I’m assuming you flashed the firmware onto the arduino. From your pics, looks like you’re going the UART/RS232 route (Not the RS485 route)
Hook up your laptop directly up to the pro mini and open the serial monitor
Send the following:
AZ10 EL10
That should move 10 degrees on each motor
Then issue a RESET, that should try to re-home if you want to test your endstops (manually pushing them)
if you’re trying to access it from raspberry, use this command:
rotctl -m 204 -s 19200 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -C timeout=200 -vvvvv might be /dev/ttyUSB1 depending on what it’s showing up in the raspberry.
then issue
P 10 10
That will move 10 degrees each motor
also, looks like one of your motors is wired wrong. I had mine wired like yours and my AZ was backwards, I couldnt figure out how to flip it in the firmware, so just did it via wiring.
Should be opposite mirror of the EL motor
So example: (Not sure which one is which on your pic, but you should just reverse mirror the EL motor)
black, green, blue, red - red, blue, green, black
Also, check rotator_pins.h file, I’ve seen a lot of mixups. and what not. Here is the one I’m using (I believe) rotator_pins.h.txt (585 Bytes)
See attachment.