Transporter-13 Rideshare : VSFB SLC-4E : 15 March 2025 (06:39 UTC)

Using the gr-satellites UPloader for the TEVEL2 satellites revealed an error in gr-satellites block Check AX.25 address.

Since the TEVEL2 are using “-” in their callsigns, the separation between callsign and SSID won’t work.
As a workaround I’ve switched the block to Check Hex String.

This is the new version for the TEVEL2 only:
gr_satellites-UPloader (TEVEL2 version).zip (6.5 KB)

By the way, please notice that the callsign of only TEVEL2-1 has swapped characters.
TLV2-1 -1 to TLV2-1.
The others have
TVL2-x -1 to TVL2-x.

-1 is the number in the sender callsign’s SSID.