Hi, I see that for the HYPE satellite (SatNOGS DB - HYPE) the TLE differs from the tinyGS, where it seems that observations are much better.
Is there a possibility to update the TLE for this satellite in the SatNOGS db? Thank you in advance.
Hi, I see that for the HYPE satellite (SatNOGS DB - HYPE) the TLE differs from the tinyGS, where it seems that observations are much better.
Is there a possibility to update the TLE for this satellite in the SatNOGS db? Thank you in advance.
The TLE set difference is very small as you can see in the screenshot below:
As far as I know the satellite is only transmitting LoRa which is not well-supported by SatNOGS due to its proprietary nature thus observations don’t have any good results. This is also why currently avoid to share stations’ time for LoRa satellites until at least we have a flowgraph that will be able to show signals in the waterfall.
However the TLE was based on the calculations of the ION deployer, so I’m going to use the Alba Orbital TLE, the one that tinygs uses, changed to the temporary NORAD ID we use in DB.
1 98708U 25000XX 25023.57810304 .00004178 00000-0 -29254-4 0 9996
2 98708 97.4594 106.1273 0002517 218.8660 320.9107 15.16419471 59104
Thank you @fredy - understood! Sad that they chose LoRa then.
1 98710U 25023.95110937 .00000000 00000-0 -22205-1 0 08
2 98710 97.4389 106.9704 0007295 359.8410 51.0278 15.16567884 01
1 98709U 25024.49669459 .00000000 00000-0 10880-2 0 00
2 98709 97.4389 107.1268 0007295 359.8410 125.6303 15.16542083 08
HADES-R over Brazil at 2025-01-24 13:39UTC
Unfortunately, I was only able to decode 17 data packets from the secondary payload of the HADES-R (Smart IR/Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre, GEIC University of Manchester experiment).
73’s de PU4ELT (GH70qd)
TLE for Centauri 7 and 8, the TLE due to the limited extracted points from Network observations are not very accurate but will improve a lot the observations of the satellites:
Centauri 7
1 98692U 25023.80000000 .00000000 00000-0 -74751-2 0 04
2 98692 97.7534 105.7373 0001854 70.9665 167.6226 14.92724307 07
Centauri 8
1 98691U 25023.80000000 .00000000 00000-0 -73671-2 0 03
2 98691 97.7495 96.9505 0003379 59.7991 170.2001 14.94614828 00
It seems that after a long burst, the LO has drifted, look at the two extra frames at the end of this pass.
Well that can explain why I am not able to create some better TLE and still keep getting deviations.
Trying to get a Doppler match, as you can see due to frequency drift, there is no fit
Currently the best I can get
1 98710U 25023.95110937 .00000000 00000-0 54120-1 0 08
2 98710 97.4389 106.5141 0007295 359.8410 44.2899 15.16038317 09
Centauri 7 looks good for now, here is an updated a little more accurate but not perfect TLE for Centauri 8:
Centauri 8
1 98691U 25009CM 25025.40000000 .00000000 00000-0 -73671-2 0 07
2 98691 97.7495 101.5466 0002362 71.5453 109.4375 14.94361476 01
I observed the same HADES-D behavior–LO shift on subsequent transmission after long period of transmission (0xFD packets). I’m guessing that a heating related drift is occurring; maybe we need to study a pass with only periodic transmissions to minimize this? Yesterdays TLE guess was worse than the previous in my observation. We will see how your most recent try aligns later this morning (16:17Z AOS.)
I’m guessing this is the drift your seeing
1 98688U 00000AAA 25025.20000000 .00000000 00000-0 14837-2 0 03
2 98688 97.4422 105.9022 0005782 335.7158 43.0170 15.17109047 02
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New TLE updates, improve accuracy of Centauri satellites and getting closer to the orbits of IRIS-F2 and IRIS-F3:
Centauri 7
1 98692U 25025.91098975 .00000000 00000-0 -74751-2 0 06
2 98692 97.7534 111.1903 0001854 107.8005 305.5688 14.92308602 06
Centauri 8
1 98691U 25025.91015422 .00000000 00000-0 -73671-2 0 01
2 98691 97.7495 105.2623 0002362 94.5457 307.4295 14.93841895 04
1 98677U 25009AH 25026.13029806 .00000000 00000-0 -16618-3 0 06
2 98677 97.4371 110.6414 0006144 95.0838 314.9898 15.08699187 01
1 98676U 25009AA 25025.93534054 .00000000 00000-0 -14105-3 0 07
2 98676 97.4517 117.4046 0006616 23.6467 40.2660 15.17063550 02
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Updated TLE, improvement on IRIS-F satellites TLE and an attempt for SKYBEE-A01. Note that for SKYBEE-A01 I’m not sure we are following the right signal but it is the only one in its observations that we can not fit to any known satellite around its frequency:
1 98677U 25026.40906167 .00000000 00000-0 -16618-3 0 04
2 98677 97.4371 112.1497 0005528 89.0836 43.1711 15.04758777 07
1 98676U 25026.41088283 .00000000 00000-0 -14105-3 0 03
2 98676 97.4517 110.1593 0006342 26.1318 111.2160 15.17060671 03
1 98690U 25009AX 25025.48444098 .00000000 00000-0 -92449-3 0 08
2 98690 97.4458 108.1489 0003463 324.1451 166.6746 15.16895749 09
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HADES-R TLE update:
1 98710U 25026.47269855 .00000000 00000-0 21745-1 0 09
2 98710 97.4389 109.2845 0007295 359.8410 127.5095 15.18208547 09
The CPU checks the temperature and makes corrections to the TX oscillator to have a stable frequency but when there is a tranmission ongoing this correction is not done. The reason is that when this function was designed we didn’t have long packets so temperature should not have changed much.
Now with the experiment frames taking several minutes the frequency seems to be drifting a bit.
When the tranmission ends, the CPU is making the correction in the oscillator so the next one starts where it should, that’s why there is that jump.
I guess to calculate the TLE maybe the experiment packets should be ignored.
Félix EA4GQS
TLE sets for Connecta satellites by the satellite team:
1 98700U 25009CQ 25026.77859529 +.00002830 00000-0 +28643-3 0 00176
2 98700 97.7452 109.1328 0001641 346.2471 13.8703 14.91759124001772
1 98701U 25009CQ 25026.77415476 +.00004896 00000-0 +48428-3 0 00191
2 98701 97.7497 109.1379 0002200 76.5609 283.5855 14.92333281001780
1 98702U 25009CQ 25026.77268571 +.00002734 00000-0 +27182-3 0 00215
2 98702 97.7507 109.1385 0003136 84.6722 275.4855 14.92490997001766
1 98703U 25009CQ 25026.71367605 +.00002499 00000-0 +25530-3 0 00162
2 98703 97.7513 109.0627 0001578 233.4901 126.6172 14.91481985001765
The same TLE change to the temporary NORAD ID that we use in DB:
1 98700U 25009CQ 25026.77859529 +.00002830 00000-0 +28643-3 0 00177
2 98700 97.7452 109.1328 0001641 346.2471 13.8703 14.91759124001773
1 98701U 25009CQ 25026.77415476 +.00004896 00000-0 +48428-3 0 00196
2 98701 97.7497 109.1379 0002200 76.5609 283.5855 14.92333281001785
1 98702U 25009CQ 25026.77268571 +.00002734 00000-0 +27182-3 0 00215
2 98702 97.7507 109.1385 0003136 84.6722 275.4855 14.92490997001766
1 98703U 25009CQ 25026.71367605 +.00002499 00000-0 +25530-3 0 00165
2 98703 97.7513 109.0627 0001578 233.4901 126.6172 14.91481985001768
1 98710U 25027.46252914 .00000000 00000-0 21745-1 0 07
2 98710 97.4389 109.5301 0007295 359.8410 127.9813 15.18208547 01
Tried listening to ELEVATION-1 during the 16.50 UTC pass over India Jan 27th. No signals heard on 400.200. Any fiurther reports or latest TLE avaible ?
73, Nitin, VU2JEK
I have monitored numerous ELEVATION-1 passes but it’s only been transmitting a couple of times when in-range of me. Definitely not transmitting all the time.