@sputnix thanks, for mix on the satellites, it is based on the frequencies observed, can you check them in DB and verify that your suggested changes in the post should be added in DB:
Carefully checked them in DB – frequencies are mixed too on the same scheme. Additionally, some of them shifted 1 kHz from the real values, which are multiples of 10s in kHz (end with zero) for these 8 satellites.
No, sorry. But some satnog’s observations had received the signal, based on frequency you mentioned: for example, this one – signal is clearly seen on the right edge of the spectrum.
Don’t know if it’s exactly correct, but may have some valid decodes from the 2FSK transmitter on one of the StratoSat ‘PicoSats’ (Object ‘E’) from this morning’s pass. Resulting payload was similar to the LoRa decode from the same satellite.
Today the LoRa downlink from StratoSat ‘G’ PicoSat contained a fully-formatted HTML document, which is pretty cool by itself. But it points to a regular terrestrial website (https://sputnik.rucloud.host) with a LOT of how-to info about how to receive both LoRa -and- FSK from the satellite plus how to decode the telemetry packets in detail. Tweet w/ screen shots:
So right now @geoscan@sputnix the main question is how the videos are going to be downlinked… 9.6kbaud FSK isn’t enough, unless you want to spend a few hours downlinking a video… Is there an S band link?
Otherwise, I’m seeing a bunch of random data dumps (attached are a few). You can see the sync/8 bit counter fairly easily… what I’m assuming to be the payload section seems like random noise.
All satellites of the StratoSat-TK-1 space mission broadcast in the amateur radio frequency range 435-438 MHz (435.87 MHz - StratoSat-TK-1, 436.26 - pico satellites)
This is StratoSat-TK-1. The program that produced that graphic is just a bitmap program (I usually use my own, but in this case it’s a screenshot from hobbits).
I know it’s a blank data dump because the payload section (after the header) is all blank. Since hobbits inverts the bitstream, it’s all 1s.
However, these hybrid LoRa/FSK modules (SX1278, etc.) have MANY more parameters that are required to setup the FSK mode.
Can you please provide a full list of the FSK parameters being use on StratoSat-G?
FSK parameters not shown on the website include ‘FSK syncword’, ‘FSK preamable length’, ‘Freq Deviation’, ‘CRC on or off’, ‘OOK on or off’, and others.
Many satellites have enabled FSK mode from these transmitters but so far, I have not spoken to any Team Member or Amateur who has decoded these downlinks.
As more and more satellites use this type of hardware & enable multiple modes, we are left with a significant volume of downlinks that are not being decoded.