Hi Aleksey,
Are you sure about the time?
On r4uab.ru it’s:
I believe the event was extended, because today UmKA was without SSTV transmission for a while.
(It was shown here in Brazil this morning with SSTV turned off)
It’s just my guess heheehehe we’ll see @ra3ppy answer
Hi Daniel. I set my own time. I will correct the time on the r4uab.ru resource. It was decided to extend the broadcast due to a scheduling error.
There are problems logging into this forum. It is not always possible to notify promptly.
Thanks to Alexis (@ra3ppy) / the team for extending the activation period. I too had problems getting on to the forum yesterday morning (SSL Cert issue?) and would have missed this had it not been extended.
Got 3 copies of the same image … this by far the best (almost as good as Daniel’s )
UMKA-1 15 Feb 2025 09:16UTC
Many thanks @ra3ppy and the entire UmKA-1 team for extending the event period.
UmKa-1 over Brazil !!
In celebration of #Saudi_Founding_Day_2025, and in collaboration with @AMSATHZ
Space-Pi Project/ UMKA-1 School Space Telescope Team will broadcast images expressing the Founding Day from several participating schools from the Kingdom’s regions and the Space Club in Hail Space Lighthouse, via the RS40S satellite, and will be published via SSTV in collaboration with @AShafiev, we thank them and appreciate their cooperation.
See the official post made on Twitter/X (HERE) (Nitter HERE)
Valentine’s Day QSL card received.
UmKA-1 over Brazil !!
how to apply ?
Just email umka1@school29.com.
UmKA-1 with max elevation of 9.6° to my QTH in Brazil !!
I have done some research on Saudi Arabia’s founding day and learned that there are attempts to rewrite the true history. I do not want to support that, so I have decided not to publish the received images.
Received 4 images (same 4 as Igor @PU4ELT posted) during the 0924UTC pass over UK. Visiting family so just used a HT / mobile phone to capture recording. 2 reasonable images in the middle of pass with noise/degradation to 1st & 4th but still acceptable considering limitations of RX and antenna.
Just email umka1@school29.com.
Is this address used for all UMKA-1 QSL requests? Can it be used for today’s activation?
You may use this address for all requests. However the UMKA-1 team does not offer QSL cards for all activities.
As far as I know, there is no QSL card planned for Saudi Arabia’s founding day.