I have then made this but I have no idea what all the variables should be set to. Maybe you or other with more experience with gnuradio can make this work???
I don’t know a gnuradio block capable of decoding SSDV.
By the way. The output port of block n must have the same color as the input port of block n+1.
And you don’t need Costas Loop, Packet Header Generator and Packet Header Parser.
Use Audio Source instead of File Soure and go directly into Satellite decoder.
SSDV would be the hard way to start with gnuradio.
There are a couple of gr-satellites yaml files that are able to create images, it seem that “AI” has no clue about the context (my biggest objection to the I in AI) as it is combining blocks that can’t work together in this specific case.
I started trying satdump to see if anything in there was capable of decoding the data.
Each time I try to download the program ASRTU-1.rar it gets blocked as a virus threat.
I know this can be a false virus detection but still not sure about trusting it.
This tool was written and packaged in Easy Programming Language. Some anti-virus software may identify it as a Trojan. If this happens, please run it in a sandbox or turn off your anti-virus software.
Calling SSDV decoder for image 0x21
Callsign: DSLWP
Image ID: 21
Resolution: 320x256
MCU blocks: 320
Sampling factor: 2x2
Quality level: 3
Gap detected between packets 28 and 38
Packets are not in order. 40 > 40
Packets are not in order. 52 > 52
Packets are not in order. 53 > 53
Packets are not in order. 55 > 55
Packets are not in order. 56 > 56
Packets are not in order. 59 > 59
Read 60 packets
Using this script to download and decode from audio URL: dldemod.sh
set -eu
if [ -z ${1:-} ]; then
echo "Usage: ${0} <url to audio>"
exit 1
# For gr_satellites 3.* we need to convert ogg to wav
OGG=$(basename ${URL})
rm -f ${OGG}
echo "Downloading ${OGG}"
wget -q ${URL}
if [[ "${USE_SOX^^}" =~ (TRUE|YES|1) ]]; then
echo "Converting to ${F}.wav"
sox ${OGG} ${F}.wav
echo "Demodulating to ${F}.kss"
gr_satellites ASRTU-1.yml --wavfile ${OGG} --kiss_out ${F}.kss > ${F}.log
echo "Decoding to ${F}_*"
gr_satellites_ssdv --satellite DSLWP ${F}.kss ${F}
I also used Jan’s ASRTU-1.yml but simplified to be compatible with older gr_satellites.