I have tested it. According to the bpsk_demodulator it automatically selects 12e3 if baudrate >2400.

Regarding the yaml, I started running it on a older release.

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Thanks Daniel,

I wasn’t aware of this default behavior, also one of the reason I am not a fan of it, explicit configuration is usually more obvious.

Yeah, I understand both standpoints. Dani usually refers to amateur use, which uses a regular hardware radio and a audio interface, where the bpsk is centered at 1500Hz (middle of regular SSB). 9k6 is of course way outside a regular SSB channel width.
We used to have the bpsk flowgraph running at that (or was it 1800?) way back, and changed it to center of the 48k audio_rate (48e3/4=12e3) to accommodate wider bpsk.
So for satnogs use (non-IQ), it should always be --f_offset 12000 set by if_freq in the flowgraph.