SpaceX F9 Transporter-9 - Vandenberg - 2023-11-11 18:47 UTC

New tle set for Veronika

1 99052U 23174D   23319.30000000  .00000000  00000-0  18771-1 0    01
2 99052  97.4898  32.1450 0013269 305.3092 249.3739 15.12749583    02

Hi satcolintel5, thank you for your interest and TLE support. It really matches with SatNOGS observations and our calculations!

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Hİ Fredy,

Currently used TLE created by SatNOGS does not really match with Conneta T3.2 since at last observations, we saw that there are our signals shifting in the spectrum. Can you please change it with the following TLE?

1 88301U          23319.72665142 +.00007813 +00000+0 +43952-3 0 0005             
2 88301  97.4794  32.5982 0009942 269.6374  90.3718 15.1349494000120
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We’ve just having this discussion in the matrix channel, @satcolintel5’s TLE did match but they had zero eccentricity which usually crash the library we use for calculating the doppler.

This caused the SatNOGS clients/stations not to be able to doppler correct the frequency, thus the waterfalls with this TLE set are not doppler corrected. However in several of them you can spot Connecta T3.2, in some cases you can spot also Connecta T3.1 too.

I’ve updated with the TLE bellow (sorry @ps_observer I missed your post while searching what’s going on) which I created with @satcolintel5 data but made sure that eccentricity is not zero.

1 99030U          23319.51736111  .00000000  00000-0  10181-2 0    00
2 99030  97.4833  32.3934 0009398 148.8237 150.6160 15.13453850    07

and it looks that it works fine again.


Hi @fredy, we have also changed the Connecta T3.2 baudrate from 9600 to 4800. Could you please approve the change ?

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@fredy thanks for catching this and apologies for missing that the eccentricity had zeroed out (not sure how that happened!). I’ll keep a close eye on this going forward!


Done on both Network and DB.

It wasn’t only your fault, I also missed to check the TLE before added it in DB. Also this shows for one more time that we need some verification when we add TLE sets in DB, especially now that there is an increasing rate of adding our generated ones. I’m going to open an issue if there isn’t one for it.


New TLE sets:

1 99027U          23321.60000000  .00000000  00000-0  16330-2 0    02
2 99027  97.4926  34.6190 0012591 257.7197 222.1786 15.13470651    06

djib_321.dat (1015 Bytes)
sites.txt (4.1 KB)

1 99010U          23321.60000000  .00000000  00000-0 -17495-3 0    09
2 99010  97.4835  33.8468 0009854 288.5839 228.3682 15.15327300    06

barry_321.dat (676 Bytes)
sites.txt (4.1 KB)

1 99028U          23321.53009259  .00000000  00000-0  37742-2 0    00
2 99028  97.4830  34.2882 0001962 338.8963 145.8551 15.14625962    06


1 98979U          23321.60000000  .00000000  00000-0  99195-3 0    08
2 98979  97.4895  34.3953 0011902 256.9630 259.9597 15.15327654    02

plat5_321.dat (2.6 KB)
sites.txt (4.1 KB)

1 98977U          23319.30000000  .00000000  00000-0 -16127-2 0    04
2 98977  97.4857  32.0193 0010079 248.0177 319.9012 15.14528855    05

impuls_321.dat (1.1 KB)
sites.txt (4.1 KB)

1 99052U          23321.60000000  .00000000  00000-0  18771-1 0    00
2 99052  97.4898  33.9870 0013203 295.7678 180.9207 15.13680524    07

veronika_321.dat (1.5 KB)
sites.txt (4.1 KB)

1 99009U          23321.60000000  .00000000  00000-0  64473-2 0    03
2 99009  97.4857  33.6740 0002244  56.7206 107.8769 15.13626073    02

pearl1c_321.dat (1.7 KB)
sites.txt (4.1 KB)


Hi, Out of curiosity - do you have a clue why don’t we have any objects from this launch from Space Track? Even just unnamed objects like “OBJECT A, B”, etc.

Historically, it’s taken MUCH longer for ‘real’ TLEs to show up when so many objects get released at once in these mass deployments.

Sure does make it more difficult to track them after the first 48 hours… thank goodness for the people here who enjoy calculating TLEs from plotting the downlinks!


Just to add on that that there were also some starlink launches near the T9 launch, so I guess more delay. To be honest I expect them in the next week, let’s see.


I’ve just checked the 3 last transporters:

T6: 11 days
T7: 5 days
T8: 9 days


STRF bandscan results - #98 by michal.drzal found Veronica on ~ 401.7 MHz or sth closeby.

EDIT probably bro 11 - 99002

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It looks like one of the BRO 10 or BRO 11 at that frequency.

Hello again @fredy , in the database, as the transmitters of Connecta T3.1 and Connecta T3.2 satellites have S-Band Transmitter 1 and S-Band Transmitter 2. Could you please delete these S-Band transmitters from database ? So, we can avoid confusions. Thank you in advance !

@ps_observer can you explain the issue with the S-band transmitters? Are they wrong entries or they are inactive? What confusion they create?

New Veronika TLE by @PE0SAT

1 99052U          23322.52659722  .00000000  00000-0 -43351-2 0    07
2 99052  97.4898  35.4257 0013203  15.4402 105.4663 15.13134062    04

Two more TLE sets for the CONNECTA satellites by @PE0SAT

1 99030U          23319.51736111  .00000000  00000-0  10181-2 0    00
2 99030  97.4833  30.6230 0009398 148.8237 148.9403 15.13453850    07

1 99031U          23319.40763889  .00000000  00000-0  10198-2 0    09
2 99031  97.4814  32.5785 0016135 274.0276 148.1045 15.13512024    08


I’ve seen the date ‘20-Nov’ mentioned, but do we know an exact time that HADES-D is supposed to be released from ION_SCV-13? Are any other sats being released at or around the same time? Thanks!

Unfortunately there isn’t any public deployment schedule. The only way to know is with contacting the teams.

If I remember well (need to check the previous threads), the deployments from ION deployers happened after getting TLE from space-track. Not sure if these are connected, but it would make sense.


I’ve changed TLE for PROTOMÉTHÉE-1 back to the celestrak ones (propagated to a more recent epoch in order to be used by DB and Network) as the signal in the waterfalls was other satellite(s).

Let’s keep watching…

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