SpaceX F9: Transporter-11 Rideshare : VSFB SLC-4E - 2024-08-16 18:56 UTC

I’ve added in SatNOGS DB Sedna-1, it seems to be deployed from ION deployer and according to ITU entry it should transmit at 400.575 MHz and/or 400.625 MHz. I’ve updated also the first post of the thread.

For now we are going to use ION SCV-012 TLE until we have something better, however as we don’t know the exact day of deployment it may be separated enough from it and the TLE not be accurate at all.

1 98805U          24254.70000000  .00000000  00000-0 -11922-1 0    04
2 98805  97.7488 329.8554 0002179  86.2025 211.8301 14.91991261    02

Thank you for posting this update on a ‘new’ object!

No downlink was observed on either of the Sedna-1 freqs but there was a possible signal 10-minutes BEFORE where it was expected based on the ION SVC-012 TLE.

I was not recording so far in advance, so unfortunately cannot help with identifying the transmission mode. I will investigate further when there is another high pass over my location. It may be worthwhile to schedule an observation or two to cover the time period ~10-min in advance of ION SVC-012 in case this does happen to actually be a downlink from Sedna-1.


For both CUAVA-2 and WaratahSeed-1 satellite, we have noticed that the downlink frequency by ~500Hz to 1kHz from the designed 400.65Mhz centre frequency. I’m currently tracking WaratahSeed-1 with 400.649Mhz and CUAVA-2 with 400.6495Mhz. With these adjustments, we were able to get much more successfully decoded data.



Hi @xbai9225 and welcome to the community!

I’ve added in DB transmitters entry the shifted frequency for each of the satellites transmitters. Future observations will be updated accordingly in the SatNOGS Network.

Feel free to suggest such changes directly in SatNOGS DB, by logging in and hit edit button in transmitter menu in the satellite page. The suggestion will be reviewed as soon as possible.

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Looks like we’ve got a new batch of TLEs for Transporter-11!

60556 looks to match Kanyini well:


Here is a partial (haven’t checked against all identification in status update after the new TBA TLE sets, it looks like that with these new TLE sets from we have all the objects tracked, so when they are assigned we can finish the identification process.

Some notes:

  • With these new TLE sets we have fits for the three satellites we didn’t until now (ION-SCV12, PTD-4 and Kanyini).
  • Given that LUR-1 is identified in as OBJECT AQ (60506), we may watch another satellite as LUR-1 in Network. The one we observe looks to be OBJECT AN (60504). We need more in depth analysis for finding out what’s going on
  • Some of the satellites haven’t been received recently, however their older observations don’t seem to fit at all with the newly published TLE sets, so they remain unchanged in the table below.
Temporary NORAD ID Satellite NORAD ID to follow Other NORAD IDs Identified Deployed Reception Last Update
98829 BRO-14 60551 - - YES Received (03 F6 in demodulated data) No change
98830 BRO-15 60553 - - YES Received (03 F7 in demodulated data) No change
98843 PTD-R 60523 - - YES Received Removed 60525, 60528
98844 PTD-4 60565 - - YES Received Changed to follow 60565
98845 IPERDRONE.0 60520 - - YES Received No change
98846 ION SCV-012 60573 - - YES Received Changed to follow 60573
98847 QUBE 60476 - - YES Received No change
98849 WARATAH SEED-1 60469 - - YES Received Removed 60468(unlikely)
98858 CUAVA-2 60527 - - YES Received No change
98859 NIGHTJAR 60535 - - YES Received No change
98860 TORO 60530 - - YES Received No change
98867 ORESAT0.5 60525 - - YES Received No change
98868 CONNECTAIOT-1 60472 - - YES Received No change
98869 CONNECTAIOT-2 60522 - - YES Received No change
98870 CONNECTAIOT-3 60475 - - YES Received No change
98871 CONNECTAIOT-4 60524 - - YES Received No change
98890 KANYINI 60556 - - YES Received Changed to follow 60556
98854 ERNST 60528 - - YES Received No change
98827 SATORO-T2 60477 - - YES Received No change
98853 GAINDESAT-1A 60529 - - YES Received No change
98819 PICO-1B-2 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98820 PICO-1B-3 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98821 PICO-1B-4 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98822 PICO-1B-5 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98823 PICO-1B-6 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98824 PICO-1B-7 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98825 PICO-1B-8 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98826 PICO-1B-9 - - - YES Received by tinygs
98813 UM5-EOSAT 60555 - - YES Received No change
98812 UM5SAT-RIBAT 60554 - - YES Received Removed 60553(unlikely)
98816 LEMUR-2-TOMATOKECHUP - - - YES Received
98817 LEMUR-2-STELLA - - - YES Received
98838 WREN-1 60478 - - YES Received No change
98839 QPS-SAR-8 - - - YES Received
98840 LUR-1 60504 60497, 60503(unlikely) - YES Received Changed to follow 60504, other possible 60497, 60503(unlikely)
98850 LEMUR-2-MARHISYAM - - - YES Received
98857 DEIMOS 60526 - - YES Received Removed 60527
98834 TYCHE - - - YES Received
98837 TANAGER-1 - - - YES Received
98856 EAGLEEYE - - - YES Received
98862 AWS PFM - - - YES Received
98852 HYPSO-2 - - - YES
98805 Sedna-1 60580 - - YES Changed to follow 60580
98818 PICO-1B-1 - - YES
98828 GNA-3 - - - YES
98831 YAM-7 - - - YES
98832 UMBRA 09 - - - YES
98833 UMBRA 10 - - - YES
98835 TOMORROW-S2 - - - YES
98836 TOMORROW-S1 - - - YES
98841 GYESMES-5 - - - YES
98848 HYPERFIELD-1 - - - YES
98851 LEMU NGE - - - YES
98861 CAKRA-1 - - - YES
98863 ACADIA-5 - - - YES
99012 SATELIOT 4 - - - YES
99013 SATELIOT 3 - - - YES
99014 SATELIOT 2 - - - YES
99015 SATELIOT 1 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 10 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 11 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 12 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 13 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 14 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 15 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 16 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 17 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 18 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 19 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 1 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 20 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 21 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 22 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 23 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 24 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 25 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 26 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 27 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 28 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 29 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 2 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 30 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 31 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 32 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 33 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 34 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 35 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 36 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 3 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 4 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 5 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 6 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 7 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 8 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 9 - - - YES
- HAWK-10A - - - YES Received
- HAWK-10B - - - YES Received
- HAWK-10C - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 33 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 39 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 40 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 43 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-48 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-49 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-50 - - - YES Received
- PHISAT-2 - - - YES Received
- TROOP - F2 - - - YES
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Hi Fredy,

The Satnogs database links to the ITU filing for Senda-1 suggest a frequency of 400.5 MHz. Am I mis-reading the information? Or maybe there is newer information?

Also, while monitoring an ION SCV 12 pass last night, I see 2k4 ax100 frames near the end of the pass on ~400.595 Mhz. The initial part of the hex strings, 65 ea 62 c0 82 0d 70 bc , did not match reported results for Theo or Brio on that frequency. So, for me another mystery. It’s a crowded sky for sure!

Thanks for all you and the friends here are doing!



Here is another representation of the same ITU entry (Notice ID) and shows both 400.575 and 400.625.

This could be another ION deployer, I think I’ve seen a couple of signals in some observations in Network were two of them are visible.

It is amazing how this community, even with limited information in many cases, manages to track so well launches like that. And I would like to point out that it may look like one man show but it is far from this, there are many people behind this project that support it with their stations setups, help by gathering information, review/vet the observations, verify our results/findings, contribute data and code, share knowledge and much more.


Indeed, “it takes a village”! Thanks Fredy for the update. Much appreciated. We shall all continue to hunt! Best to All!!


Hello Fredy. I can clarify a few things wrt Sedna-1. The UHF dl is at 400.625MHz. UHF link is not yet fully commissioned as the ground stations are only now coming online. Most contacts are using S-band currently. Sedna-1 does not beacon (same with Brio and Thea or any of the SpaceQuest satellites) so it is much harder for this community to find / record it, unless you are near our GS sites. Here is the last good TLE that I have for it:

0 Sedna-1
1 88414U 24255.84383438 +.00017888 +00000+0 +17139-2 0 0011
2 88414 97.7455 330.9105 0007744 52.0561 308.1357 14.9318283000387

Note that the above NORAD ID is temporary and will change once it is released publicly. While close, 60580 does not look correct. Looks like this object was tracked on-orbit before the launch of transporter-11.

@mikalandzelo thanks for the info! I have some notes/questions:

As we recently introduced area-specific scheduling of observation can you share these sites, if you can not share an exact location, a wider area, like south east US or north west Europe, would be also useful.
Also it would be useful if you can share your S-band frequency in order to try to receive it too. :slight_smile:

Given that 60580 has as International Designator value “24149xx” it should belong on Transporter 11 launch, except if I’m missing something. This also looks to follow well the TLE you shared in your message, this is why I’ve chosen it.

SpaceX has announced 116 payloads (hosted or not) on this launch, given that in this thread from NasaSpaceFlight forum there are described 3 hosted payloads, we expect 113 objects to be tracked by which is the current number of the tracked objects right now. So, theoretically and if we don’t miss any information, Sedna-1 should be one for these 113 objects.

Ahh, I had imported the 60580 TLE incorrectly it looks like (?). On a closer inspection, I think you are correct. This does match fairly closely to the TLE I provided. I was simply going by N2YO info which listed launch date as the 16th of August, which is 2 days before T-11 launch. It may be that this info on N2YO site is wrong.

Regarding GS sites, S-band is over Svalbard, Inuvik, and Troll. Frequency is around 2200MHz; there are multiple channels that can be used. Currently, this is only exercised a couple of times a day while things are still being spun up. UHF will be on the East Coast of US, but this is not fully setup yet.

Thank you for the explanation of the designator value. I was honestly not familiar with this.

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Hi Mikal,
Do you have any further information on BRIO?

On several occasions, here on the US northeast coast, I have seen telemetry on 400.595 which very closely matches the tle for BRIO. Interestingly, I see and can decode first 2k4, then 48k, then 9k6 AX100 Mode 5 packets.

For me, this is the first time I recall a satellite changing downlink speeds during the pass. Makes me wonder if this is part of the commissioning testing?


FN41iq (Rhode Island, USA)


If it’s helpful, here are a few decodes from each of the baud rates:


  000:  42 af 07 11 00 00 00 01 00 00 70 77 72 42 41 00  B.........pwrBA.
  010:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 70 77
  020:  72 42 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 01  rBB.............
  030:  00 00 70 77 72 42 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ..pwrBC.........
  040:  00 03 00 01 00 00 70 77 72 41 6e 74 65 6e 6e 61  ......pwrAntenna
  050:  00 00 00 00 00 04 00 01 00 00 70 77 72 53 65 6e  ..........pwrSen
  060:  73 6f 72 73 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 01 00 00 70 77
  070:  72 44 36 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 01  rD60............
  080:  00 00 70 77 72 41 4e 54 32 30 30 30 00 00 00 00  ..pwrANT2000....
  090:  00 07 00 01 00 00 69 32 63 45 72 72 6f 72 73 00  ......i2cErrors.
  0a0:  00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 01 00 00 75 73 61 72 74 5f  ..........usart_
  0b0:  6d 75 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 80  mux.............
  0c0:  dc 72 e3 11 34 9e 90 c2                          .r..4...
  000:  42 af 07 11 00 08 00 01 00 00 64 65 70 5f 74 69  B.........dep_ti
  010:  6d 65 6f 75 74 00 00 00 00 09 00 01 00 00 64 65
  020:  70 5f 63 6f 75 6e 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 0d 04  p_count.........
  030:  00 00 74 65 6d 70 5f 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ..temp_c........
  040:  00 1c 0d 04 00 00 74 65 6d 70 5f 73 70 31 00 00  ......temp_sp1..
  050:  00 00 00 00 00 20 0d 04 00 00 74 65 6d 70 5f 73  ..... ....temp_s
  060:  70 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 0d 04 00 00 74 65  p2.......$....te
  070:  6d 70 5f 73 70 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 0d 04  mp_sp3.......(..
  080:  00 00 74 65 6d 70 5f 73 70 34 00 00 00 00 00 00  ..temp_sp4......
  090:  00 32 05 02 00 00 74 65 6d 70 5f 73 64 72 00 00  .2....temp_sdr..
  0a0:  00 00 00 00 00 34 02 04 00 00 73 64 72 5f 62 6f  .....4....sdr_bo
  0b0:  6f 74 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b4 00 00 02 80  ots.............
  0c0:  09 4e 23 6d ac cc 8d 83                          .N#m....


  000:  42 a8 49 02 09 00 05 53 44 52 30 30 37 2e 42 49  B.I....SDR007.BI
  010:  4e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  N...............
  020:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
  030:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 22 04 15  ............."..
  040:  3b b7 43 6b b1 86 2c                             ;.Ck..,
  000:  42 a8 49 02 09 00 06 53 44 52 30 30 39 2e 42 49  B.I....SDR009.BI
  010:  4e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  N...............
  020:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
  030:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 22 04 15  ............."..
  040:  3c b7 43 dc 7d 4d a3                             <.C.}M.


  000:  42 ab cb 01 03 00 0c 04 00 04 0f 66 e2 5a 58 11  B..........f.ZX.
  010:  c1 b6 e0 17 44 61 74 61 20 74 72 61 6e 73 61 63  ....Data transac
  020:  74 69 6f 6e 20 66 61 69 6c 65 64 03 0e 66 e2 5a  tion failed..f.Z
  030:  58 11 7a 49 b8 10 52 44 50 20 73 65 6e 64 20 66  X.zI..RDP send f
  040:  61 69 6c 65 64 21 04 0e 66 e2 5a 58 11 52 66 c8  ailed!..f.ZX.Rf.
  050:  13 54 69 6d 65 6f 75 74 20 64 75 72 69 6e 67 20  .Timeout during 
  060:  73 65 6e 64 04 0e 66 e2 5a 39 0f 3c 92 a0 31 49  send..f.Z9.<..1I
  070:  6e 76 61 6c 69 64 20 41 43 4b 20 6e 75 6d 62 65  nvalid ACK numbe
  080:  72 21 20 30 20 6e 6f 74 20 62 65 74 77 65 65 6e  r! 0 not between
  090:  20 33 35 37 34 33 20 61 6e 64 20 33 35 37 35 36   35743 and 35756
  0a0:  07 df 6a 80 32 d0 58 ff                          ..j.2.X.
  000:  42 ab cb 01 03 00 10 04 00 04 0e 66 e2 5a 31 03  B..........f.Z1.
  010:  df 1e 50 31 49 6e 76 61 6c 69 64 20 41 43 4b 20  ..P1Invalid ACK 
  020:  6e 75 6d 62 65 72 21 20 30 20 6e 6f 74 20 62 65  number! 0 not be
  030:  74 77 65 65 6e 20 33 35 37 34 33 20 61 6e 64 20  tween 35743 and 
  040:  33 35 37 35 36 04 02 66 e2 54 39 39 56 aa 08 27  35756..f.T99V..'
  050:  43 6f 75 6c 64 20 6e 6f 74 20 6f 70 65 6e 20 66  Could not open f
  060:  69 6c 65 20 2f 66 6c 61 73 68 2f 67 73 2f 68 5f  ile /flash/gs/h_
  070:  65 78 69 74 73 75 6e 04 0e 66 e2 47 10 28 d8 19  exitsun..f.G.(..
  080:  78 1f 4e 55 4c 4c 20 50 6f 69 6e 74 65 72 20 67  x.NULL Pointer g
  090:  69 76 65 6e 20 74 6f 20 63 73 70 5f 63 6c 6f 73  iven to csp_clos
  0a0:  65 04 0e 66 e2 47 10 28 88 d8 68 18 49 6e 76 61  e..f.G.(..h.Inva
  0b0:  6c 69 64 20 63 61 6c 6c 20 74 6f 20 63 73 70 5f  lid call to csp_
  0c0:  73 65 6e 64 94 1a b7 e7 dc d0 c6 04              send........

Looks like there might be another signal to listen for from this deployment as of today!

I think that they’ve just published today the deployment video, as Deimos it was one of the deployed satellites at day one and also we track it all these days. It had also gone through a reset make it to transmit to default 401.500 MHz but now it is in its expected frequency 400.300 MHz.

1 Like

FYI Kanyini has stopped beaconing. It’ll now only be transmitting when in communication with the Australian ground station.