SpaceX F9: Transporter-11 Rideshare : VSFB SLC-4E - 2024-08-16 18:56 UTC

For the network observations you can use and filter by satellite and then gather or the links to the data files.

For all the frames from Network and 3rd party observers you can check endpoint. This needs to be authenticated (logged in for the browser, with token id for hitting the API) and filter by satellite.


Depending on the parameter :slight_smile:

Thanks for the TLE, I’m going to check it in the next hours. If you can also share the .dat file with the data that would be great in order to be able to use the observation for fitting.

Based on @vk5qi TLE for KANYINI and the latest Network observations:

1 98890U          24233.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  79944-4 0    03
2 98890  97.4456 308.9282 0003945  80.6031 148.1180 15.17205703    06

kany_233_v1.dat (2.5 KB)
sites.txt (7.6 KB)

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Scheduling for the next 48h for the UHF satellites is done:

Group 1 - 1469 Total Observations:

Satellite Observations
98843 PTD-R 73
98847 QUBE 126
98890 Kanyini 75
98849 Waratah Seed-1 90
98831 YAM-7 53
98838 WREN-1 60
98840 LUR-1 37
98868 ConnectaIoT-1 73
98869 ConnectaIoT-2 90
98870 ConnectaIoT-3 69
98871 ConnectaIoT-4 89
98845 Iperdrone.0 77
98858 CUAVA-2 72
98857 Deimos 70
98867 ORESAT0.5 155
98854 ERNST 64
98853 GaindeSat-1A 57
98827 SATORO-T2 68

Group 2 - 1097 Total Observations:

Satellite Observations
98817 LEMUR-2-STELLA 84
98859 NIGHTJAR 110
98844 PTD-4 97
98846 ION SCV-012 118
98829 BRO-14 107
98860 TORO 135
98852 HYPSO-2 111
99015 Sateliot 1 35
99014 Sateliot 2 31
99013 Sateliot 3 31
99012 Sateliot 4 36
98830 BRO-15 106
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Two more updated TLE sets:

1 98827U          24233.80000000  .00000000  00000-0  12372-3 0    07
2 98827  97.4439 308.8978 0003772  73.8242 352.8502 15.17373942    07
1 98838U          24233.50000000  .00000000  00000-0 -75197-3 0    01
2 98838  97.4443 309.1300 0006752  99.0797 130.1932 15.17266148    06

sites.txt (7.6 KB)
satoro_233_v1.dat (2.1 KB)
wren_233_v1.dat (1.9 KB)

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Hi Mark, what’s the rfffit SW you mentioned here?

It’s part of the STRF and SatTools toolkit.

I wrote a little guide on getting set up to receive data to use with it here: Setting up STRF Capture & Processing ¡ GitHub


Stumbled upon this at 401.495 at 14:25UTC today. Deimos was pretty far away however Cwget decoded it to “xx0uhf”.

Wav file:


Edit: New link


I forgot to update the Table at the first post (is now updated). If I understand this right, @yurimdias may confirm, It looks like DEIMOS has some issues and their comms system has been reset to 401.500MHz. “xx0uhf” was used until now from NightJar and Toro, both transmitting in 435-438 band, so my guess is that this is probably a default or something value.


d/dt and d^2/dt^2 mean motion parameters are not used in sgp4 propagation, so they can be zero with no effect. Tools | Satcat — Spaceflight Intelligence Exchange by Kayhan Space

That should be Toro at 435.410 or Nightjar at 435.350, unless they are also using 401.495 for non-amateur control or payloads…

Due to some wrong calculations the previous TLE generated for TORO was fully off, here is an updated which should be better. However have in mind as it is based on data two days ago it may not be very accurate:

1 98860U          24232.66000000  .00000000  00000-0 -77423-2 0    05
2 98860  97.7500 308.2167 0000461 132.0682 291.3158 14.90481642    09
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Some more TLE sets, for BRO-15 there was a similar to TORO miscalculations, so now we have an accurate one:

1 98846U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0 -76412-2 0    01
2 98846  97.7488 309.8408 0002686  89.7555 138.2373 14.91940498    09
1 98830U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0 -73094-2 0    07
2 98830  97.7469 317.9324 0006851 127.3924 116.9986 14.96309698    04
1 98829U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0 -73795-2 0    03
2 98829  97.7542 309.8231 0002283 137.8482 105.4640 14.93217084    05
Waratah Seed-1
1 98849U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  94401-4 0    03
2 98849  97.4420 307.0045 0002862  82.7445 197.3449 15.16962658    09
1 98843U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  13308-3 0    03
2 98843  97.4424 309.6135 0006344  45.4417 266.3419 15.19038866    01
1 98844U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0 -76253-2 0    02
2 98844  97.7533 304.5204 0002487  92.8638 131.9260 14.91729179    06
1 98857U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  20761-3 0    09
2 98857  97.4465 310.5637 0009059 125.5707 187.3628 15.18369986    00
1 98845U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  15419-3 0    00
2 98845  97.4445 310.1712 0008648 124.5447 183.7771 15.19083873    06
1 98869U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  17488-3 0    04
2 98869  97.4489 310.3169 0008208 130.5777 182.9424 15.17558317    07
1 98870U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  17108-4 0    06
2 98870  97.4406 310.0229 0005285  89.0469 197.4808 15.17233423    05
1 98847U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0  14117-4 0    07
2 98847  97.4480 310.5047 0010857  96.2394 190.1844 15.17448638    08
1 98859U          24234.50000000  .00000000  00000-0 -76733-2 0    01
2 98859  97.7546 307.7095 0000883  65.3570 153.2786 14.91070172    09

I did some offset calculation for TORO, NIGHTJAR and DEIMOS, based off preliminary sets:

1 88373U 24149BX  24233.92274117 +.00007020  00000-0 +70996-3 0 00046
2 88373  97.7508 309.3412 0002019  99.9198 260.2248 14.91298849000601
1 88375U 24149CB  24233.92265862 +.00008403  00000-0 +84791-3 0 00049
2 88375  97.7507 309.3407 0001812 114.4851 245.6557 14.91332475000610
1 88370U 24149K   24231.67533112 +.00032316  00000-0 +15438-2 0 00030
2 88370  97.4479 307.2354 0010475 136.5836 223.6225 15.18914006000288

The Deimos one is not very good, but it doesn’t look to be much off from the one on the previous post.


These are from the 18th analyst objects right?

For TORO the best matches are 88371 and 88372.
For NightJar the best match is 88376.
For Deimos the best matches are between 88364-88369.

By the way NightJar seems to have stopped transmitting earlier today… let’s keep watching.

Below a TLE set that fits better TORO based on the latest observations:

1 98860U          24235.30000000  .00000000  00000-0 -76146-2 0    00
2 98860  97.7546 310.7652 0002146  99.4571  87.9580 14.90817215    08

toro_235_v1.dat (980 Bytes)
sites.txt (7.9 KB)


Dear Fredy, may I request to extend the observation period for a two weeks time?
Both TORO and NightJar suffered from power case, and it’d be great help to have SatNOGS network for tuning.
Thanks, best 73

it’s nightjar.

I’ll keep scheduling until the end of the identification period, probably this will take a couple of weeks.

Updated TLE sets, we have also 4 new additions in DB, I’ll update the first post later today:

Unknown 1 T11
1 98815U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0 -62662-3 0    06
2 98815  97.4438 306.3447 0006228 353.5491  86.5446 15.17505158    04
1 98840U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0 -62662-3 0    04
2 98840  97.4438 313.1753 0006228 344.2911 103.5909 15.19890148    04
1 98854U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0  23161-3 0    09
2 98854  97.4475 313.1452 0010309  14.6921  95.1119 15.18893324    07
1 98845U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0  15419-3 0    06
2 98845  97.4445 312.3241 0008648  66.9207  35.4338 15.18922896    08
1 98871U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0  19951-3 0    00
2 98871  97.4444 312.5314 0006124 359.2183 108.3487 15.19130913    04
1 98869U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0  17488-3 0    00
2 98869  97.4489 312.0959 0008208  15.8063  88.7070 15.18467011    07
1 98868U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0  10507-3 0    04
2 98868  97.4462 312.3445 0003621  76.3789 349.9919 15.17576700    00
1 98867U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0  20199-3 0    01
2 98867  97.4404 313.1051 0009895 351.2559 117.3417 15.18850555    00
1 98859U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0 -76733-2 0    07
2 98859  97.7546 310.8101 0000828  52.8622  82.5099 14.91124044    09
1 98860U          24236.90000000  .00000000  00000-0 -76146-2 0    07
2 98860  97.7546 312.2381 0001492  69.2418  62.0062 14.91114506    05
1 98814C 24149CK  24229.89498655 -.00076975  00000+0 -77552-2 0    09
2 98814  97.7518 305.3829 0002284 111.3666 238.8383 14.91282775    11
1 98813C 24149CA  24229.89389743 -.00075813  00000+0 -72831-2 0    00
2 98813  97.7505 305.3818 0009871 154.6799 189.6809 14.93144062    14
1 98812C 24149BY  24229.89358956 -.00075681  00000+0 -72672-2 0    07
2 98812  97.7440 305.3835 0010216 147.4454 195.2765 14.93159129    17

The first post has been updated with 4 new satellites:

UM5Sat-EOSat, UM5Sat-Ribat, Unknown-1-T11, Unknown-2-T11

Here are the updated TLE sets for the two of them:

1 98813U          24237.40000000  .00000000  00000-0 -72895-2 0    08
2 98813  97.7505 312.9802 0010348 129.9982 220.6598 14.93239224    06
1 98812U          24237.40000000  .00000000  00000-0 -72666-2 0    03
2 98812  97.7440 312.9590 0010653 121.9222 226.6628 14.93202481    00

Thanks @PE0SAT helping on finding and fitting these satellites.