SpaceX F9: Transporter-11 Rideshare : VSFB SLC-4E - 2024-08-16 18:56 UTC

I’ll have a look at that later, the demodulated data in the observations already proved useful and it’s definitely what we’re expecting from WS-1. We should hopefully see it over our own heads any minute now.

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I can confirm we were just able to successfully communicate with both CUAVA-2 and WS-1.
Satellites look very healthy and are soaking up the morning sun over Australia


Addendum to post #40 / SatNOGS Observation 10052315.

I created an export of the extracted doppler measurements for this observation in two formats.

CCSDS TDM (new!):
2024-08-16_satnogs_10052315_ccsds-tdm.kvn.dat (1.2 KB)

STRF .dat:
2024-08-16_satnogs_10052315_strf.dat (347 Bytes)

I’d be happy to hear your results if you are using any of this data, especially if you are a user of the data produced by the new CCSDS TDM exporter.

Good night!

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Hello again, everyone! We have populated the scat tool with the TLEs we calculated from the SpaceX post-deployment states.


STRF observation by @vk5qi showing (from top to bottom) WARATAH SEED-1 and CUAVA-2, KANYINI, SOTORO-T2:


Awesome. Are you planning on creating ephems to help identify the assets?

A few more rfplot grabs:

A big mess around 401.5 MHz, including a friendly local radiosonde signal…

CUAVA-2 and WaratahSeed-1 (both on 400.650 MHz):

ERNST and IPERDRONE.0 around 401.110 MHz

1 Like

Below is the current status update, several satellites has been received either in their observations or in observations of other satellites that were near in frequency.
Keep in mind that the received satellites without demodulation may be other satellites than the expected as in many cases the frequencies are not 100% confirmed, so without demodulation or other characteristics of the transmissions we can not say for sure about a satellite.

Temporary NORAD ID Satellite NORAD ID to follow Other NORAD IDs Identified Deployed Last Update
98868 CONNECTAIOT-1 - - - YES Received
98870 CONNECTAIOT-3 - - - YES Received
98849 WARATAH SEED-1 - - - YES Received
98858 CUAVA-2 - - - YES Received
98867 ORESAT0.5 - - - YES Received
98847 QUBE - - - YES Received
98816 LEMUR-2-TOMATOKECHUP - - - YES Received
98827 SATORO-T2 - - - YES Received
98840 LUR-1 - - - YES Received
98843 PTD-R - - - YES Received
98844 PTD-4 - - - YES Received
98845 IPERDRONE.0 - - - YES Received
98853 GAINDESAT-1A - - - YES Received
98854 ERNST - - - YES Received
98860 TORO - - - YES Received
98869 CONNECTAIOT-2 - - - YES Received
98871 CONNECTAIOT-4 - - - YES Received
98890 KANYINI - - - YES Received
98837 TANAGER-1 - - - YES Received
98856 EAGLEEYE - - - YES Received
98817 LEMUR-2-STELLA - - - YES
98818 PICO-1B-1 - - YES
98819 PICO-1B-2 - - - NO
98820 PICO-1B-3 - - - NO
98821 PICO-1B-4 - - - NO
98822 PICO-1B-5 - - - NO
98823 PICO-1B-6 - - - NO
98824 PICO-1B-7 - - - NO
98825 PICO-1B-8 - - - NO
98826 PICO-1B-9 - - - NO
98828 GNA-3 - - - YES
98829 BRO-14 - - - YES
98830 BRO-15 - - - YES
98831 YAM-7 - - - YES
98832 UMBRA 09 - - - YES
98833 UMBRA 10 - - - YES
98834 TYCHE - - - YES
98835 TOMORROW-S2 - - - YES
98836 TOMORROW-S1 - - - YES
98838 WREN-1 - - - YES
98839 QPS-SAR-8 - - - YES
98841 GNOMES-5 - - - YES
98846 ION SCV-012 - - - YES
98848 HYPERFIELD-1 - - - YES
98851 LEMU NGE - - - YES
98852 HYPSO-2 - - - YES
98857 DEIMOS - - - YES
98859 NIGHTJAR - - - YES
98861 CAKRA-1 - - - YES
98862 AWS PFM - - - YES
98863 ACADIA-5 - - - YES
99012 SATELIOT 4 - - - YES
99013 SATELIOT 3 - - - YES
99014 SATELIOT 2 - - - YES
99015 SATELIOT 1 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 10 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 11 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 12 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 13 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 14 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 15 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 16 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 17 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 18 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 19 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 1 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 20 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 21 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 22 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 23 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 24 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 25 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 26 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 27 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 28 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 29 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 2 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 30 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 31 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 32 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 33 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 34 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 35 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 36 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 3 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 4 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 5 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 6 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 7 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 8 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 9 - - - YES
- HAWK-10A - - - YES Received
- HAWK-10B - - - YES Received
- HAWK-10C - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 33 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 39 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 40 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 43 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-48 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-49 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-50 - - - YES Received
- PHISAT-2 - - - YES Received
- TROOP - F2 - - - YES
- UM5-EOSAT - - - YES

From the ~01:32Z pass over Adelaide.

A cleaner look at the 401.5 MHz cluster:

Kanyini booming in:

Kanyini follows well a TLE I fitted from the last pass:

1 70311U          24229.82815206  .00000000  00000-0  10363-3 0    02
2 70311  97.4456 305.4159 0004368 104.9060 241.8299 15.17077791    07


NIGHTJAR Active and Demodulated



Thanks a lot Vlad,

With this information I created the following gr-satellites yaml file.

norad: 98859
  &ax25 AX.25 Telemetry:
    telemetry: ax25
  &endurosat Endurosat Telemetry:
  9k6 FSK AX.25 downlink:
    frequency: 435.350e+6
    modulation: FSK
    baudrate: 9600
    framing: AX.25 G3RUH
    - *ax25
  9k6 FSK Endurosat downlink:
    frequency: 435.350e+6
    modulation: FSK
    baudrate: 9600
    framing: Endurosat
    - *endurosat

Demodulated one of the messages:
KANYINI | "HEALTHY",20881.4,88,3,13.3438,17.8252,"SAFE","DEPLOYED",29,2697,1872,-90,-107,-0.00138924,-0.0520461,-0.00097734,


Toro sends fm XX0UHF to BV4VB

There is one blank space after BV4VB to fill up the required 6 characters for callsigns.
This blank space should be 0x40 in hex.
However, they programmed 0x00 instead.
This leads to a NON-AX25 frame mark from SoundModem.

By the way, Nightjar also uses XX0UHF, but filled up its destination callsign (CQ) correctly by 0x40 for blank spaces.


If anyone has or can record, we are looking IQ for SATORO-T2 to try to demodulate it.

1 Like

Below is the current status update, several satellites has been received either in their observations or in observations of other satellites that were near in frequency.
Keep in mind that the received satellites without demodulation may be other satellites than the expected as in many cases the frequencies are not 100% confirmed, so without demodulation or other characteristics of the transmissions we can not say for sure about a satellite.

Temporary NORAD ID Satellite NORAD ID to follow Other NORAD IDs Identified Deployed Last Update
98829 BRO-14 - - - YES Received
98830 BRO-15 - - - YES Received
98843 PTD-R - - - YES Received
98844 PTD-4 - - - YES Received
98845 IPERDRONE.0 - - - YES Received
98846 ION SCV-012 - - - YES Received
98847 QUBE - - - YES Received
98849 WARATAH SEED-1 - - - YES Received
98858 CUAVA-2 - - - YES Received
98859 NIGHTJAR - - - YES Received
98860 TORO - - - YES Received
98867 ORESAT0.5 - - - YES Received
98868 CONNECTAIOT-1 - - - YES Received
98869 CONNECTAIOT-2 - - - YES Received
98870 CONNECTAIOT-3 - - - YES Received
98890 KANYINI - - - YES Received
98816 LEMUR-2-TOMATOKECHUP - - - YES Received
98817 LEMUR-2-STELLA - - - YES Received
98827 SATORO-T2 - - - YES Received
98838 WREN-1 - - - YES Received
98839 QPS-SAR-8 - - - YES Received
98840 LUR-1 - - - YES Received
98852 HYPSO-2 - - - YES
98853 GAINDESAT-1A - - - YES Received
98854 ERNST - - - YES Received
98857 DEIMOS - - - YES Received
98871 CONNECTAIOT-4 - - - YES Received
98834 TYCHE - - - YES Received
98837 TANAGER-1 - - - YES Received
98856 EAGLEEYE - - - YES Received
98862 AWS PFM - - - YES Received
98818 PICO-1B-1 - - YES
98819 PICO-1B-2 - - - NO
98820 PICO-1B-3 - - - NO
98821 PICO-1B-4 - - - NO
98822 PICO-1B-5 - - - NO
98823 PICO-1B-6 - - - NO
98824 PICO-1B-7 - - - NO
98825 PICO-1B-8 - - - NO
98826 PICO-1B-9 - - - NO
98828 GNA-3 - - - YES
98831 YAM-7 - - - YES
98832 UMBRA 09 - - - YES
98833 UMBRA 10 - - - YES
98835 TOMORROW-S2 - - - YES
98836 TOMORROW-S1 - - - YES
98841 GNOMES-5 - - - YES
98848 HYPERFIELD-1 - - - YES
98851 LEMU NGE - - - YES
98861 CAKRA-1 - - - YES
98863 ACADIA-5 - - - YES
99012 SATELIOT 4 - - - YES
99013 SATELIOT 3 - - - YES
99014 SATELIOT 2 - - - YES
99015 SATELIOT 1 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 10 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 11 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 12 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 13 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 14 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 15 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 16 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 17 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 18 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 19 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 1 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 20 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 21 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 22 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 23 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 24 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 25 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 26 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 27 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 28 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 29 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 2 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 30 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 31 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 32 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 33 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 34 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 35 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 36 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 3 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 4 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 5 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 6 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 7 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 8 - - - YES
- FLOCK 4BE 9 - - - YES
- HAWK-10A - - - YES Received
- HAWK-10B - - - YES Received
- HAWK-10C - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 33 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 39 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 40 - - - YES Received
- ICEYE 43 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-48 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-49 - - - YES Received
- NUSAT-50 - - - YES Received
- PHISAT-2 - - - YES Received
- TROOP - F2 - - - YES
- UM5-EOSAT - - - YES

captured this as Kanyini was overhead not sure if it from Kanyini or if its something



Both SATORO-T2 and ERNST have been demodulated by @PE0SAT

More specifically:

name: ERNST
norad: 98854
  &tlm Unknown telemetry:
  4k8 FSK AX100 ASM+Golay downlink:
    frequency: 401.100e+6
    modulation: FSK
    baudrate: 4800
    framing: AX100 ASM+Golay
    - *tlm

name: SATORO-2
norad: 98827
  &tlm AX25 telemetry:
    telemetry: ax25
  2k4 BPSK AX.25 G3RUH downlink:
    frequency: 400.425e+6
    modulation: BPSK
    baudrate: 2400
    framing: AX.25 G3RUH
    - *tlm

Looks like one of the stronger 10k-wide SR-0 FSK packets that we’ve seen.

If you have an I/Q recording, thanks in advance if you can share it online.

1 Like

There are new, updated with the actual space weather conditions, TLE sets by celestrak:

1 70301C 24149A   24229.82607336  .00005263  00000+0  25262-3 0    03
2 70301  97.4497 305.4119 0010867 144.9065 190.2446 15.18887812    13
WARATAH SEED-1          
1 70302C 24149B   24229.82612544  .00001839  00000+0  94401-4 0    08
2 70302  97.4420 305.4155 0003552  75.0759 260.3777 15.16590737    18
1 70303C 24149C   24229.82628748  .00001945  00000+0  99561-4 0    02
2 70303  97.4462 305.4137 0002972  85.5808 250.7483 15.16688783    17
ROCK LOPEN              
1 70304C 24149D   24229.82650276  .00001944  00000+0  99383-4 0    05
2 70304  97.4487 305.4129 0002694  92.5600 244.9390 15.16739467    13
1 70305C 24149E   24229.82675507  .00001963  00000+0  10006-3 0    05
2 70305  97.4439 305.4152 0003772  91.9757 246.9115 15.16833694    15
1 70306C 24149F   24229.82687081  .00002253  00000+0  11416-3 0    05
2 70306  97.4424 305.4158 0004453 101.2051 238.3172 15.17037597    12
1 70307C 24149G   24229.82720067  .00004636  00000+0  22299-3 0    06
2 70307  97.4412 305.4165 0010854 139.0896 202.2356 15.18817414    15
CONNECTA IOT-1          
1 70308C 24149H   24229.82744604  .00001597  00000+0  81403-4 0    06
2 70308  97.4462 305.4150 0003639  93.7968 248.8584 15.16846360    13
1 70309C 24149J   24229.82762081  .00004316  00000+0  20775-3 0    02
2 70309  97.4475 305.4148 0010309 145.7427 197.8631 15.18796015    14
1 70310C 24149K   24229.82781410  .00003783  00000+0  18379-3 0    05
2 70310  97.4465 305.4154 0009060 142.2241 202.4394 15.18483925    12
1 70311C 24149L   24229.82815206  .00001579  00000+0  79944-4 0    04
2 70311  97.4456 305.4159 0004368 104.9065 241.6050 15.17077786    10
1 70312C 24149M   24229.82841826  .00003684  00000+0  17813-3 0    07
2 70312  97.4404 305.4174 0010085 139.3405 208.6346 15.18644139    18
CONNECTA IOT-4          
1 70313C 24149N   24229.82872845  .00003519  00000+0  16994-3 0    09
2 70313  97.4444 305.4168 0009888 144.2129 205.4475 15.18689298    16
1 70314C 24149P   24229.82894373  .00000751  00000+0  38243-4 0    07
2 70314  97.4482 305.4163 0003873  95.2666 255.5624 15.16895022    17
CONNECTA IOT-2          
1 70315C 24149Q   24229.82909535  .00003119  00000+0  15104-3 0    06
2 70315  97.4489 305.4164 0009141 148.0116 203.6435 15.18596755    14
1 70316C 24149R   24229.82940322  .00002676  00000+0  13036-3 0    05
2 70316  97.4445 305.4174 0008654 141.4778 211.8672 15.18393208    19
1 70317C 24149S   24229.82957104  .00002476  00000+0  12083-3 0    01
2 70317  97.4467 305.4173 0008238 143.0640 211.1931 15.18340737    17
1 70318C 24149T   24229.82980947  .00002211  00000+0  10810-3 0    06
2 70318  97.4479 305.4175 0007828 143.5281 212.0284 15.18271065    11
1 70319C 24149U   24229.82995183  .00002239  00000+0  10925-3 0    02
2 70319  97.4424 305.4181 0008585 139.3649 216.9800 15.18336325    19
1 70320C 24149V   24229.83006873 -.00000496  00000+0 -25435-4 0    02
2 70320  97.4431 305.4181 0005199  77.7801 279.2021 15.16596908    12
CONNECTA IOT-3          
1 70321C 24149W   24229.83038933 -.00000131  00000+0 -66356-5 0    09
2 70321  97.4406 305.4184 0005704  93.8069 264.9308 15.16934879    17
1 70322C 24149X   24229.83064859 -.00000190  00000+0 -96156-5 0    02
2 70322  97.4480 305.4186 0004593 100.4982 259.6406 15.17035875    15
1 70323C 24149Y   24229.83190553 -.00000964  00000+0 -48695-4 0    07
2 70323  97.4495 305.4204 0004708 105.8112 261.1875 15.17155229    19
1 70324C 24149Z   24229.83197613 -.00000765  00000+0 -38500-4 0    05
2 70324  97.4413 305.4194 0006246 109.0074 258.3933 15.17285940    17
FLOCK 4BE-16            
1 70325C 24149AA  24229.83231178 -.00006645  00000+0 -33579-3 0    04
2 70325  97.4454 305.4203 0005521 103.7984 265.4269 15.17139892    15
FLOCK 4BE-28            
1 70326C 24149AB  24229.83269488 -.00005510  00000+0 -26892-3 0    00
2 70326  97.4434 305.4203 0008071 144.1784 227.1421 15.18337292    14
FLOCK 4BE-15            
1 70327C 24149AC  24229.83279674 -.00006628  00000+0 -33204-3 0    05
2 70327  97.4403 305.4197 0006694 114.6329 257.2503 15.17435965    19
FLOCK 4BE-4             
1 70328C 24149AD  24229.83310924 -.00007264  00000+0 -36659-3 0    04
2 70328  97.4468 305.4215 0005460 105.7632 267.8134 15.17185817    15
FLOCK 4BE-27            
1 70329C 24149AE  24229.83317868 -.00006131  00000+0 -30074-3 0    06
2 70329  97.4486 305.4220 0006806 145.1555 228.7963 15.18168397    10
FLOCK 4BE-13            
1 70330C 24149AF  24229.83324118 -.00006318  00000+0 -31128-3 0    02
2 70330  97.4400 305.4199 0007657 133.6983 240.6120 15.18011360    10
FLOCK 4BE-14            
1 70331C 24149AG  24229.83350044 -.00006262  00000+0 -30612-3 0    05
2 70331  97.4421 305.4206 0007951 142.7975 232.9240 15.18280429    13
FLOCK 4BE-25            
1 70332C 24149AH  24229.83387891 -.00007789  00000+0 -39173-3 0    02
2 70332  97.4483 305.4229 0005365 110.9832 266.7929 15.17305365    18
FLOCK 4BE-3             
1 70333C 24149AJ  24229.83428979 -.00007091  00000+0 -34780-3 0    01
2 70333  97.4409 305.4208 0007769 139.7291 240.3051 15.18167938    19
FLOCK 4BE-26            
1 70334C 24149AK  24229.83445183 -.00008345  00000+0 -42027-3 0    04
2 70334  97.4421 305.4213 0006620 108.6314 272.2858 15.17252390    11
FLOCK 4BE-1             
1 70335C 24149AL  24229.83484072 -.00007477  00000+0 -36517-3 0    07
2 70335  97.4466 305.4235 0007138 149.0405 233.9900 15.18320278    14
FLOCK 4BE-2             
1 70336C 24149AM  24229.83515438 -.00008098  00000+0 -39896-3 0    02
2 70336  97.4491 305.4250 0005991 141.6657 243.0721 15.18024275    13
FLOCK 4BE-20            
1 70337C 24149AN  24229.83545299 -.00009139  00000+0 -45871-3 0    08
2 70337  97.4410 305.4215 0006954 113.5400 272.8457 15.17368344    13
FLOCK 4BE-7             
1 70338C 24149AP  24229.83579558 -.00009727  00000+0 -49051-3 0    01
2 70338  97.4467 305.4247 0006029 106.4336 281.8107 15.17212288    10
FLOCK 4BE-19            
1 70339C 24149AQ  24229.83625276 -.00008857  00000+0 -43271-3 0    02
2 70339  97.4425 305.4228 0007479 146.9613 243.7878 15.18309076    16
FLOCK 4BE-31            
1 70340C 24149AR  24229.83657567 -.00010373  00000+0 -52138-3 0    00
2 70340  97.4478 305.4264 0005827 110.6477 281.8532 15.17327868    15
FLOCK 4BE-8             
1 70341C 24149AS  24229.83703169 -.00009777  00000+0 -47924-3 0    04
2 70341  97.4414 305.4226 0007387 143.3067 251.6984 15.18192538    16
FLOCK 4BE-17            
1 70342C 24149AT  24229.83737313 -.00011031  00000+0 -55222-3 0    09
2 70342  97.4484 305.4280 0005651 115.9842 280.8690 15.17468094    12
FLOCK 4BE-32            
1 70343C 24149AU  24229.83743910 -.00010931  00000+0 -54583-3 0    07
2 70343  97.4407 305.4222 0007277 121.2574 275.9746 15.17547850    17
FLOCK 4BE-6             
1 70344C 24149AV  24229.83766479 -.00010411  00000+0 -50956-3 0    06
2 70344  97.4471 305.4274 0006192 149.3599 249.0884 15.18255013    12
FLOCK 4BE-5             
1 70345C 24149AW  24229.83779558 -.00010682  00000+0 -52466-3 0    07
2 70345  97.4479 305.4283 0005819 145.0829 254.0775 15.18133225    10
FLOCK 4BE-18            
1 70346C 24149AX  24229.83795299 -.00011951  00000+0 -60300-3 0    04
2 70346  97.4437 305.4249 0007114 108.0922 291.9387 15.17185945    14
FLOCK 4BE-24            
1 70347C 24149AY  24229.83856641 -.00011755  00000+0 -58127-3 0    00
2 70347  97.4407 305.4227 0007237 133.8741 269.5135 15.17890545    10
FLOCK 4BE-29            
1 70348C 24149AZ  24229.83884882 -.00012031  00000+0 -59384-3 0    03
2 70348  97.4481 305.4302 0005422 137.2048 267.7051 15.17964490    17
FLOCK 4BE-30            
1 70349C 24149BA  24229.83910576 -.00012727  00000+0 -63418-3 0    09
2 70349  97.4482 305.4306 0005556 121.8122 284.5005 15.17633320    14
FLOCK 4BE-11            
1 70350C 24149BB  24229.83934419 -.00012847  00000+0 -63879-3 0    07
2 70350  97.4409 305.4231 0007301 127.6881 279.9465 15.17695988    14
FLOCK 4BE-12            
1 70351C 24149BC  24229.83969257 -.00012760  00000+0 -62648-3 0    03
2 70351  97.4417 305.4241 0006966 143.5347 265.9998 15.18141546    18
FLOCK 4BE-36            
1 70352C 24149BD  24229.83991826 -.00013992  00000+0 -70395-3 0    07
2 70352  97.4425 305.4252 0007571 114.0140 296.7511 15.17284714    14
FLOCK 4BE-23            
1 70353C 24149BE  24229.84017521 -.00014265  00000+0 -71604-3 0    08
2 70353  97.4470 305.4310 0006317 112.0204 300.1340 15.17373063    12
FLOCK 4BE-9             
1 70354C 24149BF  24229.84040206 -.00013523  00000+0 -66247-3 0    08
2 70354  97.4465 305.4308 0005536 147.9528 265.4412 15.18226406    14
FLOCK 4BE-10            
1 70355C 24149BG  24229.84076317 -.00014439  00000+0 -71593-3 0    08
2 70355  97.4475 305.4328 0005390 127.9272 287.4352 15.17806051    16
FLOCK 4BE-22            
1 70356C 24149BH  24229.84102012 -.00015042  00000+0 -75268-3 0    05
2 70356  97.4418 305.4247 0007553 121.5490 295.2351 15.17474578    10
FLOCK 4BE-21            
1 70357C 24149BJ  24229.84142058 -.00014955  00000+0 -73760-3 0    07
2 70357  97.4418 305.4246 0006907 138.8334 280.1379 15.17983636    13
FLOCK 4BE-35            
1 70358C 24149BK  24229.84148539 -.00014980  00000+0 -73705-3 0    05
2 70358  97.4467 305.4330 0005196 139.9539 279.3534 15.18076287    19
1 70359C 24149BL  24229.84172035 -.00019910  00000+0 -99684-3 0    06
2 70359  97.4460 305.4321 0006469 116.0705 304.5224 15.17463655    13
FLOCK 4BE-34            
1 70360C 24149BM  24229.84190206 -.00016141  00000+0 -80680-3 0    07
2 70360  97.4467 305.4337 0006115 116.5019 305.0802 15.17521335    18
1 70361C 24149BN  24229.84228401 -.00010450  00000+0 -51616-3 0    01
2 70361  97.4428 305.4265 0006640 136.8718 286.8115 15.17933058    12
1 70362C 24149BP  24229.84261734 -.00020823  00000+0 -10391-2 0    07
2 70362  97.4427 305.4265 0007320 125.3693 300.1346 15.17574953    14
1 70363C 24149BQ  24229.84271109 -.00011139  00000+0 -55158-3 0    06
2 70363  97.4456 305.4329 0005678 129.6936 296.3092 15.17850008    11
FLOCK 4BE-33            
1 70364C 24149BR  24229.84306757 -.00017232  00000+0 -85620-3 0    02
2 70364  97.4423 305.4255 0007228 131.1619 296.8031 15.17724609    18
1 70365C 24149BS  24229.84344373 -.00012347  00000+0 -61566-3 0    04
2 70365  97.4449 305.4325 0006470 121.9827 308.0230 15.17603649    18
1 70366C 24149BT  24229.84377012 -.00029964  00000+0 -14794-2 0    04
2 70366  97.4439 305.4298 0006112 136.5718 295.2217 15.17957242    14
1 70367C 24149BU  24229.84410692 -.00022706  00000+0 -11317-2 0    02
2 70367  97.4454 305.4352 0006186 120.4435 313.1794 15.17624250    12
1 70368C 24149BV  24229.84444951 -.00013165  00000+0 -65066-3 0    08
2 70368  97.4438 305.4298 0006228 135.3394 300.1649 15.17914012    13
1 70369C 24149BW  24229.84572729 -.00015459  00000+0 -77602-3 0    01
2 70369  97.4443 305.4332 0007615 118.7140 323.7632 15.17361591    15
1 70370C 24149BX  24229.89331757 -.00076410  00000+0 -77625-2 0    00
2 70370  97.7500 305.3813 0001510  72.6656 268.5838 14.90950554    12
1 70371C 24149BY  24229.89358956 -.00075681  00000+0 -72672-2 0    07
2 70371  97.7440 305.3835 0010216 147.4454 195.2765 14.93159129    17
SATELIOT 2              
1 70372C 24149BZ  24229.89365553 -.00076341  00000+0 -77036-2 0    02
2 70372  97.7523 305.3809 0001722 116.4314 226.6274 14.91219310    15
1 70373C 24149CA  24229.89389743 -.00075813  00000+0 -72831-2 0    01
2 70373  97.7505 305.3818 0009871 154.6799 189.6809 14.93144062    15
1 70374C 24149CB  24229.89399697 -.00076427  00000+0 -76934-2 0    01
2 70374  97.7546 305.3808 0001842 132.5324 212.3543 14.91317213    16
SATELIOT 4              
1 70375C 24149CC  24229.89404789 -.00076557  00000+0 -76964-2 0    08
2 70375  97.7426 305.3841 0003644 104.0859 241.0996 14.91366171    18
1 70376C 24149CD  24229.89413007 -.00076673  00000+0 -77489-2 0    04
2 70376  97.7496 305.3823 0002138  97.9850 247.6270 14.91157752    14
1 70377C 24149CE  24229.89424813 -.00076684  00000+0 -77306-2 0    02
2 70377  97.7473 305.3830 0002734 103.0721 243.1784 14.91257176    18
1 70378C 24149CF  24229.89437544 -.00076712  00000+0 -77171-2 0    00
2 70378  97.7452 305.3836 0003278 105.7173 241.2210 14.91340393    13
1 70379C 24149CG  24229.89463817 -.00076157  00000+0 -73299-2 0    03
2 70379  97.7469 305.3834 0009632 152.1351 196.2102 14.93071221    16
1 70380C 24149CH  24229.89478401 -.00076694  00000+0 -76621-2 0    08
2 70380  97.7525 305.3825 0003229 136.6958 212.4204 14.91617295    16
SATELIOT 1              
1 70381C 24149CJ  24229.89489512 -.00076357  00000+0 -73957-2 0    09
2 70381  97.7419 305.3846 0008891 145.2863 204.4483 14.92825890    16
1 70382C 24149CK  24229.89498655 -.00076975  00000+0 -77552-2 0    09
2 70382  97.7518 305.3829 0002284 111.3666 238.8383 14.91282775    11
1 70383C 24149CL  24229.89504558 -.00076389  00000+0 -74000-2 0    04
2 70383  97.7542 305.3825 0008202 159.4355 191.0817 14.92823912    16
SATELIOT 3              
1 70384C 24149CM  24229.89516479 -.00076343  00000+0 -73401-2 0    04
2 70384  97.7494 305.3835 0009634 156.2771 194.8899 14.93113126    12
1 70385C 24149CN  24229.89535461 -.00076862  00000+0 -76455-2 0    05
2 70385  97.7533 305.3832 0003843 143.0060 209.1719 14.91789780    19
1 70386C 24149CP  24229.89561965 -.00076952  00000+0 -76380-2 0    01
2 70386  97.7506 305.3839 0004412 139.6930 213.9132 14.91874101    11
1 70387C 24149CQ  24229.89570762 -.00076878  00000+0 -75774-2 0    00
2 70387  97.7510 305.3839 0005437 147.6259 206.4516 14.92149557    12
ICEYE 1                 
1 70388C 24149CR  24229.89586271 -.00076852  00000+0 -75235-2 0    07
2 70388  97.7476 305.3844 0006757 147.6584 207.2587 14.92414411    18
ICEYE 2                 
1 70389C 24149CS  24229.89597961 -.00076897  00000+0 -75343-2 0    05
2 70389  97.7497 305.3844 0006453 150.1470 205.3932 14.92382079    15
1 70390C 24149CT  24229.89609535 -.00076956  00000+0 -75510-2 0    00
2 70390  97.7502 305.3845 0006182 149.9415 206.2191 14.92325963    15
ICEYE 3                 
1 70391C 24149CU  24229.89617752 -.00077154  00000+0 -76408-2 0    09
2 70391  97.7460 305.3848 0005242 134.5578 222.0525 14.91961199    11
ION SCV-012             
1 70392C 24149CV  24229.89641363 -.00077246  00000+0 -76615-2 0    07
2 70392  97.7488 305.3849 0004735 136.6435 221.2287 14.91902582    11
1 70393C 24149CW  24229.89650970 -.00077182  00000+0 -76044-2 0    07
2 70393  97.7459 305.3851 0005951 140.4822 217.9113 14.92163220    16
1 70394C 24149CX  24229.89665901 -.00077182  00000+0 -75913-2 0    02
2 70394  97.7500 305.3851 0005800 147.9313 211.2556 14.92232236    16
1 70395C 24149CY  24229.89677706 -.00077289  00000+0 -76368-2 0    02
2 70395  97.7508 305.3853 0005045 144.5389 215.2801 14.92052532    10
ICEYE 4                 
1 70396C 24149CZ  24229.89691826 -.00077259  00000+0 -75868-2 0    03
2 70396  97.7459 305.3854 0006412 143.9665 216.6203 14.92292960    18
1 70397C 24149DA  24229.89714049 -.00077435  00000+0 -76623-2 0    03
2 70397  97.7499 305.3857 0004944 141.0404 220.7315 14.91995593    15
1 70398C 24149DB  24229.89732451 -.00077451  00000+0 -76468-2 0    06
2 70398  97.7498 305.3859 0005257 143.5867 219.1733 14.92083164    14
1 70399C 24149DC  24229.89757799 -.00077616  00000+0 -76922-2 0    07
2 70399  97.7471 305.3860 0005110 134.5702 229.5559 14.91932330    12

source: T.S. Kelso tweet


just a base band recording but its a little to big to share