SpaceX F9: Transporter-11 Rideshare : VSFB SLC-4E - 2024-08-16 18:56 UTC

From the last pass:

  • Kanyini still following 70311 pretty well, seeing some slightly deviations.
  • CUAVA-2 and WaratahSeed-1, one is a little ahead of 70302, and the other a little behind 70309.

Fitting observations (mean anomaly fit only) to 70302 and 70309, we get:

1 70302U          24229.82612544  .00000000  00000-0  94401-4 0    08
2 70302  97.4420 305.4155 0003552  75.0759 261.6479 15.16590737    00
1 70309U          24229.82762081  .00000000  00000-0  20775-3 0    09
2 70309  97.4475 305.4148 0010309 145.7427 197.8163 15.18796015    03

The satellite near 70309 is also approx 1 kHz higher in frequency (400.651 MHz).