Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat - Vostochny Launch - 2024-11-04 23:18 UTC

A status update (haven’t checked yet SITRO-AIS-* and SIT-* satellites, I’ll do tomorrow), identifications will be performed in DB and Network later today. Thanks everyone for helping with the process:

Temporary NORAD ID Satellite NORAD ID to follow Other NORAD IDs Identified Deployed Reception Last Update
98763 SITRO-AIS-13 61743 - NO YES Received Received
98774 SIT-HSE 61763 - NO YES Received Received
98751 SITRO-AIS-37 61780 - NO YES Received Received
98773 SIT-2086 61764 - NO YES Received Received
98762 SITRO-AIS-14 61752 - NO YES Received Received
98750 SITRO-AIS-38 61786 - NO YES Received Received
98761 SITRO-AIS-15 61738 - NO YES Received Received
98749 SITRO-AIS-39 61778 - NO YES Received Received
98760 SITRO-AIS-16 61737 - NO YES Received Received
98748 SITRO-AIS-40 61776 - NO YES Received Received
98759 SITRO-AIS-17 61789 - NO YES Received Received
98747 SITRO-AIS-41 61760 - NO YES Received Received
98758 SITRO-AIS-18 61790 - NO YES Received Received
98746 SITRO-AIS-42 61756 - NO YES Received Received
98757 SITRO-AIS-19 61759 - NO YES Received Received
98745 SITRO-AIS-43 61755 - NO YES Received Received
98756 SITRO-AIS-20 61758 - NO YES Received Received
98744 SITRO-AIS-44 61748 - NO YES Received Received
98755 SITRO-AIS-21 61739 - NO YES Received Received
98743 SITRO-AIS-45 61788 - NO YES Received Received
98754 SITRO-AIS-22 61740 - NO YES Received Received
98742 SITRO-AIS-46 61774 - NO YES Received Received
98753 SITRO-AIS-23 61742 - NO YES Received Received
98741 SITRO-AIS-47 61773 - NO YES Received Received
98752 SITRO-AIS-24 61741 - NO YES Received Received
98740 SITRO-AIS-48 61771 - NO YES Received Received
98771 HOD-HOD 61768 All non-identified NO YES Received Received in, changed to follow 61768 based on, other possible all non-identified
98775 Polytech Universe-5 61745 All non-identified NO YES Received Received in, changed to follow 61745 based on, other possible all non-identified
98776 Polytech Universe-4 61747 All non-identified NO YES Received Received in, changed to follow 61747 based on, other possible all non-identified
98788 TUSUR GO 61782 61786 NO YES Received Changed to follow 61782, other possible 61786
98793 Horizon 61755 61757(unlikely) NO YES Received Changed to follow 61755, other possible 61757(unlikely)
98784 Vladivostok-1 61751 - - YES Received Received in, Changed to follow 61751
- MTUSI-1 61750 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- Kosar 61769 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- ZIMSAT-2 61783 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- Hors 4 61754 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- Hors 3 61753 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- HyperView-1G 61772 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- MORDOVIA-IOT 61765 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- SamSat-Ionosphere 61784 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- ArcticSat-1 61762 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- Vizard-ion 61749 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- Colibri-S 61746 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- Altair 61779 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- RTU MIREA1 61785 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- ASRTU-1 61781 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
- RUZAEVKA-390 61766 - YES YES Received Identified, ikhnos results
98782 Nokhcho 61767 All non-indentified NO YES Not Received Randomly changed to follow 61767, other possible all non-identified
98783 SWSU-60 61787 All non-indentified NO YES Not Received Randomly changed to follow 61787, other possible all non-identified
98767 CSTP-2.11 61744 All non-identified - YES Received Received in, changed to follow 61744 based on, other possible all non-identified
98768 CSTP-2.2 61775 All non-identified - YES Received Received in, changed to follow 61775 based on, other possible all non-identified
98769 CSTP-2.1 61777 All non-identified - YES Received Received in, changed to follow 61777 based on, other possible all non-identified
98770 Norby-3 - All non-identified NO YES Received Received in
- Ionosfera-M №2 61736 - YES YES - Identified in
- Ionosfera-M №1 61735 - YES YES - Identified in