Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat Baikonur launch 2021-03-22T06:07 UTC

‘AG’ would make good sense; it’s about the right distance behind ‘M’ to line up with my observations. I will start tracking ‘AG’ when monitoring for STECCO. Thank you!


There are new TLE sets from spacetrack, a quick update was for BCCSAT-1 that is now changed to follow OBJECT AK(48082) as @PE0SAT suggested after fitting some strf observations. More updates to come later today.

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More new TLE sets from spacetrack, all of them assigned to objects. These are the current fits for the 35 TLE sets by using ikhnos (given that the satellites alone were 39, we still expecting more TLE sets):

Satellite Norad Follow Other Candidates Notes
UNISAT-7 OBJECT P(47946) OBJECT N(47944) Rejected OBJECT AG(47962)
BCCSAT-1 OBJECT AK(48041) OBJECT AL(48082) Added OBJECT AK(48041), OBJECT AL(48082) and rejected OBJECT J(47940) as now we have two TLE sets that fit. Changed to follow OBJECT AK(48041)
FEES OBJECT R(47947) No reception, continue to follow OBJECT R(47947)
DIY-1 OBJECT AH(47963) No update
SMOG-1 OBJECT AJ(47964) No update
STECCO OBJECT AG(47962) Added OBJECT AG(47962), rejected OBJECT M(47943), OBJECT H(47939), OBJECT J(47940), OBJECT N(47944),OBJECT P(47945), OBJECT Q(47946), OBJECT R(47947), changed to follow OBJECT AG(47962). Signal received but it looks like a carrier.
NANOSATC-BR2 OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AC(47958) Rejected OBJECT V(47951)
KMSL OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AC(47958) Rejected OBJECT V(47951)
CANYVAL-C 1U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
CANYVAL-C 2U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
BEESAT-5 OBJECT AB(47957) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AC(47958) No update
BEESAT-6 OBJECT AB(47957) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AC(47958) No update
BEESAT-7 OBJECT AC(47958) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957) No update
BEESAT-8 OBJECT AC(47958) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957) No update
CUBESX-SIRIUS-HSE OBJECT V(47951) Rejected OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AC(47958)
CUBESX-HSE OBJECT W(47952) OBJECT X(47953), OBJECT K(47941), OBJECT AD(47959) No update
SIMBA OBJECT W(47952) OBJECT X(47953), OBJECT K(47941), OBJECT AD(47959) No update
GRBALPHA OBJECT K(47941) , OBJECT X(47953), OBJECT W(47952), OBJECT AD(47959) Rejected OBJECT V(47951), OBJECT G(47938), changed to follow OBJECT K(47941)
KSU-CUBESAT OBJECT AF(47961) OBJECT Y(47954) Rejected OBJECT AE(47960)

Most of the results are also confirmed by strf observations of @PE0SAT.

Another confirmation that the carrier like signal we see for STECCO is STECCO is that the OBJECT AG orbit is close to the satellites that were deployed from UNISAT-7. So, personally I’m 90% sure that this is STECCO. Also from is clearly visible that is not related with the BCCSAT-1 which transmits outside its ITU coordination.

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First I want to thank you for all the observations of the DIY-1 that are made daily by satgnos.
I thought that in USB mode it would be easier to decode the telemetry that is recorded daily but clearly it is undecodable. The correct mode is CW. Please, the the next observations pass to CW, so that we can decode them correctly the audio.

Again thank you very much!

DIY-1 team


All the scheduled observations are now changed to CW transmitter.


More new TLE sets from spacetrack, all of them assigned to objects. These are the current fits for the 38 TLE sets by using ikhnos. In the previous posts I wrote about 39 deployed satellites, this was wrong, the satellites were 38, I counted WormSail which wasn’t on this launch.

I’m not sure if we should start identify objects, as we don’t have any TLE from the Soyuz Rocket. I’ll try to check it more, but if anyone has any idea, let me know.

Satellite Norad Follow Other Candidates Notes
UNISAT-7 OBJECT P(47945) OBJECT N(47944) changed to follow OBJECT P(47945), it was following OBJECT Q(47946) due to a typo
BCCSAT-1 OBJECT AK(48041) OBJECT AL(48082) no update, it seems that the selected fits better but we need more observations
FEES OBJECT R(47947) No reception, continue to follow OBJECT R(47947)
DIY-1 OBJECT AH(47963) No update
SMOG-1 OBJECT AJ(47964) No update
STECCO OBJECT AG(47962) No update
NANOSATC-BR2 OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985) Added OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985), continue to follow OBJECT U(47950)
KMSL OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985) Added OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985), continue to follow OBJECT U(47950)
CANYVAL-C 1U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
CANYVAL-C 2U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
BEESAT-5 OBJECT AM(47983) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985) Added OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985), changed to follow OBJECT AM(47983)
BEESAT-6 OBJECT AM(47983) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985) Added OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985), changed to follow OBJECT AM(47983)
BEESAT-7 OBJECT AN(47984) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AP(47985) Added OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985), changed to follow OBJECT AN(47984)
BEESAT-8 OBJECT AN(47984) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AP(47985) Added OBJECT AM(47983), OBJECT AN(47984), OBJECT AP(47985), changed to follow OBJECT AN(47984)
CUBESX-HSE OBJECT W(47952) OBJECT X(47953), OBJECT AD(47959) Rejected OBJECT K(47941)
SIMBA OBJECT W(47952) OBJECT X(47953), OBJECT K(47941), OBJECT AD(47959) No update
GRBALPHA OBJECT K(47941) OBJECT X(47953), OBJECT W(47952), OBJECT AD(47959) No update
KSU-CUBESAT OBJECT AF(47961) OBJECT Y(47954) Rejected OBJECT AE(47960)

Dear all,

I have some update about GRBAlpha. Last night we get data from onboard Celeste GNSS receiver. Our colleagues from Konkoly observatory in Budapest created a quick plot from the data. It seems we are object AD. We’ll do some more research and let you know.




Thanks for the update! I’ve just changed the object we follow for GRBAlpha in DB and Network to the AD one.

We have more GPS data from GRBAlpha and plan to retrieve even more during this night passes. Just for our interest: does anyone know some service how can these data be fitted in order to have a TLE? :slight_smile:

Not a service, but I have some python code that can probably do this.

Update on the fits for the 38 TLE sets by using ikhnos. If we don’t have any new TLE sets in the next days, I think it will be save to start identifying satellites.

Satellite Norad Follow Other Candidates Notes
UNISAT-7 OBJECT P(47945) OBJECT N(47944) No update.
BCCSAT-1 OBJECT AK(48041) Rejected OBJECT AL(48082)
FEES OBJECT R(47947) OBJECT AK(48041) No reception, added also OBJECT AK(48041) suggested in, continue to follow OBJECT R(47947)
DIY-1 OBJECT AH(47963) No update
SMOG-1 OBJECT AJ(47964) No update
STECCO OBJECT AG(47962) No update
NANOSATC-BR2 OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(48083), OBJECT AN(48084), OBJECT AP(47985) No update
KMSL OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(48083), OBJECT AN(48084), OBJECT AP(47985) No update
CANYVAL-C 1U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
CANYVAL-C 2U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
BEESAT-5 OBJECT AM(48083) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AN(48084), OBJECT AP(47985) No reception the last hours, due to a typo in the objects to follow, OBJECT AM has NORAD 48083 and not 47983, changed to follow OBJECT AM(48083)
BEESAT-6 OBJECT AM(48083) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AN(48084), OBJECT AP(47985) No reception the last hours, due to a typo in the objects to follow, OBJECT AM has NORAD 48083 and not 47983, changed to follow OBJECT AM(48083)
BEESAT-7 OBJECT AN(48084) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(48083), OBJECT AP(47985) No reception the last hours, due to a typo in the objects to follow, OBJECT AN has NORAD 48084 and not 47984, changed to follow OBJECT AN(48084)
BEESAT-8 OBJECT AN(48084) OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(48083), OBJECT AP(47985) No reception the last hours, due to a typo in the objects to follow, OBJECT AN has NORAD 48084 and not 47984, changed to follow OBJECT AN(48084)
CUBESX-HSE OBJECT W(47952) Rejected OBJECT X(47953), OBJECT AD(47959)
SIMBA OBJECT K(47941) OBJECT AD(47959) Rejected OBJECT W(47952), OBJECT X(47953)
GRBALPHA OBJECT AD(47959) OBJECT K(47941), OBJECT W(47952), Rejected OBJECT X(47953)
KSU-CUBESAT OBJECT AF(47961) OBJECT Y(47954) No update

Thanks to @PE0SAT for confirming some of the results above with his strf observations!


Update on the fits for the 38 TLE sets by using ikhnos. There aren’t new TLE sets for several days, thus I don’t think we expect any more, so we can proceed to match most of them with the deployed satellites:

Satellite Norad Follow Other Candidates Notes
UNISAT-7 OBJECT P(47945) Rejected OBJECT N(47944). Identified as OBJECT P(47945), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3958280.
BCCSAT-1 OBJECT AK(48041) Identified as OBJECT AK(48041), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3958289.
FEES OBJECT R(47947) No reception, rejected OBJECT AK(48041) as the object is identified as BCCSAT-1
DIY-1 OBJECT AH(47963) Identified as OBJECT AH(47963), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3958366. Both OBJECT F and OBJECT AJ look close fits but have been rejected in the past.
SMOG-1 OBJECT AJ(47964) Identified as OBJECT AJ(47964), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3954293. Both OBJECT F and OBJECT AH look close fits but have been rejected in the past.
STECCO OBJECT AG(47962) Identified as OBJECT AG(47962), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3915387.
NANOSATC-BR2 OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AP(47985) Rejected OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AM(48083), OBJECT AN(48084), continue to follow OBJECT U(47950)
KMSL OBJECT U(47950) OBJECT AB(47958), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(48083), OBJECT AN(48084), OBJECT AP(47985) No update
CANYVAL-C 1U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
CANYVAL-C 2U OBJECT G(47938) No reception continue to follow OBJECT G(47938)
BEESAT-5 OBJECT AM(48083) OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AN(48084) Rejected OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AP(47985), continue to follow OBJECT AM(48083)
BEESAT-6 OBJECT AM(48083) OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AN(48084) Rejected OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AP(47985), continue to follow OBJECT AM(48083)
BEESAT-7 OBJECT AN(48084) OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(48083) Rejected OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AP(47985), continue to follow OBJECT AN(48084)
BEESAT-8 OBJECT AN(48084) OBJECT AB(47957), OBJECT AC(47958), OBJECT AM(48083) Rejected OBJECT U(47950), OBJECT AP(47985), continue to follow OBJECT AN(48084)
CUBESX-SIRIUS-HSE OBJECT V(47951) Identified as OBJECT V(47951), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3957952.
CUBESX-HSE OBJECT W(47952) Identified as OBJECT W(47952), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3957827.
ORBICRAFT-ZORKIY OBJECT AE(47960) Identified as OBJECT AE(47960), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3958176.
SIMBA OBJECT K(47941) OBJECT AD(47959) No update
GRBALPHA OBJECT AD(47959) OBJECT K(47941), OBJECT W(47952) No update
CHALLENGEONE OBJECT AA(47956) Identified as OBJECT AA(47956), here are the results of ikhnos on observation 3957745.
KSU-CUBESAT OBJECT Y(47954) OBJECT AF(47961) No update, changed to follow OBJECT Y(47954)

FEES is changed to follow OBJECT N(47944) based on this observation, thanks to @PE0SAT for pointing me to it.

@YT2CQ can you confirm that this signal could be FEES? or at least if FEES was set to transmit FSK at that time (2021-04-18 10:08 UTC)?

By the way if this is FEES, it seems that it is ~7KHz off from its center frequency and transmits a very faint signal.

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For KSU-CUBESAT I am certain for 47954. Imgur: The magic of the Internet
(for 47961 rms is too high (~200hz on my measurements)


Its not FEES.
FEES have one FSK transmit every two minutes.
More precisely a burst of 10 FSK signals very close to each other every 2 minutes.

FEES is tracked as object 022AL or 022AK

How did you end up on these two objects?

OBJECT AK is BCCSAT-1, so if FEES is between the two, then it should be OBJECT AL. I’m going to change to follow this object for FEES in DB and Network and see if we can get any FSK signal.

With the above and the signal in, it seems that there is also something else transmitting near that frequency (local with drift or another satellite), let’s keep watching to find out. :slight_smile:

I have success to catch a few LoRa packages from FEES and only with yagi antenna (4el, gain ~7dBd). One package per pass and usually at night (after 23h UTC).

And I use TLE for object 022AK.

FEES ground station in Italy use TLE for object 022AL or 022AK.
I had no success to receive signal on SDR for now.

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Regarding Observation 3979046

Perhaps FEES at 100s…

Unfortunately this is AALTO-1 and not FEES.