2024-08-31 01:04:00 UTC
2024-08-31 01:06:10 UTC
Elevation: 47°
2024-08-31 01:04:00 UTC
2024-08-31 01:06:10 UTC
Elevation: 47°
2024-08-31 14:04:10 UTC
Max. elevation: 60°
Hmm i wonder what happened here…
Its a very distorted version of dl7ndr`s first picture. The settings in SDR++ is ok. Same results using both RXSSTV and MMSSTV. I manually tracked the doppler shift within the baseband recording with about 11Khz which i always do. Also tried 12.5khz without that making a difference.
The start of the transmission was bad and there was a lot of fading but when the signal was good it was probably the best SNR i have ever had from a satellite sending SSTV. Is Martin M1 especially susceptible to QRM or bad signal starts?
I don’t know the properties of M1.
Can you provide us an audio record?
I think i found the problem.
That waterfall does not look all that healthy…
I have had this kind of QRM before with a signal spike followed with a rising sweep, although i have never seen it this high. It has always been centered around .700-.750.
Interestingly enough i have also encountered a person on Reddit that had the exact same kind of QRM although he was from eastern Europe. Also on .700-.750. It must be something common. Im guessing some brand of electric car.
Some of the SSTV modes are very sensitive to frequency drift, any doppler or mismatch in tuning will skew the image sideways.
Either have gpredict doppler control gqrx or sdr++,
or record a ~48kHz IQ without correction and then run it through a doppler correction flowgraph.
That, I seriously doubt. Especially a slowly drifting signal like that. If there’s tropo ducting, you can hear all kinds of messed up stuff and crap that usually only appear locally.
You can monitor the condx on VHF with for example this map.
Your reception using RX-SSTV 2.0.1.
I made good experiences activating the two green marked DSP functions.
You don’t have to choose the mode, it will recognize it automatically.
Well… Disregard everything i said regarding my SSTV reception…
dl7ndr decoded my audio file to this:
I will now go and hide in a dark corner of my apartment and i wont come out until monday…
I have bookmarked the site, its very useful
this is the image from the original recording
SONATE-2 2024-08-31 17:32UTC
Elevation: 12.6°
73’s de PU4ELT !!
Not so good this time round
2024-09-01 00:48:24UTC
SatNOGS #10146553, QSSTV on linux_ubuntu
Digipeater active from 2024-09-06 15:00 UTC until 2024-09-08 23:00 UTC.
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