Satnogs-Client vs Satnogs-Network

Hi to all, i’m trying to see how can i help with the project, and seeing the documentation on how to contribute, i have a very basic question.

What’s the differences between the Satnogs Client and the Satnogs Network? if i put a groundstation (with a turnstyle for start), in the raspberry Pi will need to install the Satnogst client or the network procedure? which is the role of each (Client and Network)?

Thanks for your time.

Hey Matias,

Welcome to the project!

Satnogs Network is the server side part of satnogs project which helps you to schedule and watch the results of observations.

Satnogs Client is the software of the station that connects to Satnogs Network gets the observations that needs to perform and with the help of gr-satnogs (gnuradio scripts) performs these observations and uploads the results to Satnogs Network.

So in the raspberry you should install satnogs client and gr-satnogs. You can follow this guide or you can try the new (undocumented for now) way with the rasbian images.

Feel free to ask any question here or on our irc channel #satnogs on freenode server. If you are not familiar with irc, you can use which offers a bridge for irc and also logs the channel message when you are offline.

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For more on the SatNOGS client Rasbian images check the relevant sector in the RaspberryPi3 page recently added by @saintaardvark

Hi @lu9cbl – there’s a good overview of the different components and their roles on the intro page of the wiki.