Hello! The ISRO PSLV-C60/SPADEX mission launched a short time ago. The target orbit is a 55° inclination, so the deployments will have much better visibility to most of us than some of the previous, lower latitude ISRO orbits.
I am still looking at all the payloads too @K4KDR the payload document only suggests UHF. The frequency range result suggests the swetchsat uses LoRa but I am not 100% sure.
Thanks, I have submitted for satellite and transmitter suggestions for BGSARPIT. Yet to confirm from ISRO if the payload will be turned ON for global services or over India only.
Great, Thanks Fredy, During the 15.30 UTC pass over India we have heard the SSTV and APRS Beacon, Confirming with ISRO if the payload will be turned ON for global services.
I’m trying to understand the sequence for the payload.
Once switched on, it stays on for 15 minutes.
First comes a 45 seconds audio, then 1 minute silence while switching to digipeater. How long does the digipeater stay active until it switches to SSTV?
POEM-4 pass just ending over the U.S. East Coast; nothing heard on 145.825, 145.870, or 436.500. However, the max elevation was only 22°, which is not good at all for my location (unless the transmitter is very strong).
Are the ride-along sats deployed, or all still connected to the launch vehicle at this time?
Had better elevation for a POEM-4 pass tonight (Eastern U.S.) but nothing seen on 436.500, 145.825, or 145.870.
I actually thought I had a signal starting at just the right time & place for a beacon from ‘something’ on 436.500, but turned out it was the END of some other object!