PROITERES - introduced in DB new satellites section

I noticed that the Proiteres satellite was introduced in the new satellites section in DB. I have a slight concern after searching for data on this one.
As I found at PROITERES, PROITERES was successfully launched, but in 2013 did not respond to any ground commands, although still broadcasting telemetry data. The Osaka Institute of Technology team abandoned attempts to restore communications with PROITERES satellite and proceeded with development of the [PROITERES-2](PROITERES 2) design.
About Proiteres-2, I found a short notice in this forum: PROITERES-2 with 99972 temp norad id. For some reason all the scheduled observations of it were failed, not sure what cause the crash of the observations. (Deployments on 2018-10-29).
Has there been any information that Proiteres is still in orbit and that it is possible to transmit, or was it an input error in the new satellites section?
Cristian - YO4DFT

Hello Cristian,

Thank you very much for your interest, September 26th going over some Doppler measurements I found the below curve. This could be a signal from Proiteres and therefor wanted to create some network observations.

Bur I found out that it wasn’t in the database and therefor created the entry.

Space-track is still tracking the satellite and this gives me the impression that it is still in orbit.
Further measurements are nessacery to see if it is still transmitting data.

To be continued.



RGR Jan, I shall continue to schedule the passes for this satellite. Next week I shall finish the filter (3 poles interdigital filter 435-438) to replace the cavity filter that I am using now (tuned in the middle, 436.5) and I will have more chances of receiving weak signals.
Cristian - YO4DFT

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And these filters sound interesting, is it possible to share some details or build plans ?

Jan - PE0SAT

interdigital-filters.pdf (4.1 MB)

Almost same like in G3SEK article, but only 3 poles. After I shall finished and tune I shall write a short description with build plans and diagrams.
I am using a similar filter for 1090 ADSB receiver and I am very satisfied (I am living in a urban aria, with GSM and TETRA sites around me).

Cristian - YO4DFT

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Could it be a satellite signal?

Cristian - YO4DFT

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Good morning Cristian,

I don’t think so, the signal that I saw was CW or a carrier and this seem to be a FSK signal.
Do you save IQ recordings from your observations ?

If so, we could analyse the data even if it is on the edge of the passband.


Unfortunately I didnt save IQ file.
But I saw something like a CW signal, not FSK. You say about this one ?

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I tried to listen to the audio file, after minute 2, when the signal appeared, it sounds more like a carrier with fading, like in shortwave.

A, yes I missed that one, so maybe a carrier from the Satellite.

The search continues, thanks for the update