OrangePI Ubuntu Client Problems 1

I have gone through the process of creating a ubuntu client with Ubuntu server on an inexpensive orange pie 2+. It appears to be communicating to Satnogs properly (Station 2956) but I get Failed -1000 on my observations. What should I check?


How did you install your system, what install documentation did you use?

Please share your config and log information.

  • sudo satnogs-setup -> Advanced -> Support (only if installed via the satnogs ansible method)
  • sudo journalctl -f -u satnogs-client -n 512

Troubleshooting - SatNOGS Wiki can be useful

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I used this process for the installation Ubuntu - Client Installation - SatNOGS Wiki

Here is the log information from one schedule.

be 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: File “/usr/local/bin/”, line 483, in
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: main()
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: File “/usr/local/bin/”, line 468, in main
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: tb = top_block_cls(antenna=options.antenna, bb_freq=options.bb_freq, bfo_freq=options.bfo_freq,, dc_removal=options.dc_removal, decoded_data_file_path=options.decoded_data_file_path, dev_args=options.dev_args, doppler_correction_per_sec=options.doppler_correction_per_sec, enable_iq_dump=options.enable_iq_dump, file_path=options.file_path, gain=options.gain, gain_mode=options.gain_mode, iq_file_path=options.iq_file_path, lo_offset=options.lo_offset, other_settings=options.other_settings, ppm=options.ppm, rigctl_port=options.rigctl_port, rx_freq=options.rx_freq, samp_rate_rx=options.samp_rate_rx, soapy_rx_device=options.soapy_rx_device, stream_args=options.stream_args, tune_args=options.tune_args, udp_IP=options.udp_IP, udp_dump_host=options.udp_dump_host, udp_dump_port=options.udp_dump_port, udp_port=options.udp_port, waterfall_file_path=options.waterfall_file_path, wpm=options.wpm)
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: File “/usr/local/bin/”, line 91, in init
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: self.soapy_source_0_0 = soapy.source(1, dev, dev_args, stream_args,
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: File “/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/soapy/”, line 92, in make
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: return _soapy_swig.source_make(nchan, device, dev_args, stream_args, tune_args, other_settings, sampling_rate, type)
Feb 09 17:18:28 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[4947]: RuntimeError: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match
Feb 09 17:18:31 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[2053]: - ERROR - No waterfall data file found

I corrected an error I found here is what am I getting now:
Feb 09 20:05:23 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[2808]: File “/usr/local/bin/”, line 90, in init
Feb 09 20:05:23 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[2808]: self.soapy_source_0_0 = soapy.source(1, dev, dev_args, stream_args,
Feb 09 20:05:23 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[2808]: File “/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/soapy/”, line 92, in make
Feb 09 20:05:23 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[2808]: return _soapy_swig.source_make(nchan, device, dev_args, stream_args, tune_args, other_settings, sampling_rate, type)
Feb 09 20:05:23 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[2808]: RuntimeError: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match
Feb 09 20:05:26 orangepizero2 satnogs-client[2046]: - ERROR - No waterfall data file found

Which sdr are you using, and what configuration did you enter for it?

Could be same problem as in Error using rtl-sdr

iirc the only package that is needed to get a rtl up and running is the rtl-sdr package, and it should be tested with rtl_test with the user that is going to run satnogs-client.
This should give you a clear indication if anything is missing, perhaps permissions/groups/udev.

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If I type
sudo rtl_test It works fine
without sudo rtl_test gives permission errors.

What do I need to change?
I have created a file in /etc/udev/rules.d called 10-rtlsdr.rules and put in the line
SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“0bda”, ATTR{idProduct}==“2838”, MODE=“0666”, SYMLINK+=“rtl_sdr”

Any suggestions?

I just use the udev rules that come with the rtl-sdr package, it sets it up with group plugdev.
Here’s an example.
That means any user that has group membership with plugdev can use the sdr.
sudo adduser pi plugdev change pi to the user you have.

Thank you

That fixed that problem. rtl_test now works fine. However, I still think there is a permission problem that I need to investigate more.


ok, nice.
please keep this thread for the problems related to this install.

I’m still having some problems.

sudo SoapySDRUtil --find

Soapy SDR – the SDR abstraction library


No devices found!

Found 1 device(s):
0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Reading samples in async mode…
Allocating 15 zero-copy buffers
Detected Kernel usbfs mmap() bug, falling back to buffers in userspace
lost at least 56 bytes

SoapySDRUtil --probe
Probe device
Error probing device: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match

Any ideas of what might be wrong?

I have installed SatNOGS on Ubuntu multiple times, have a look at this log file.

Maybe you will find some details you didn’t configure or install.

Not sure about ubuntu, but usually on debian the lack of blacklisting certain modules does not cause problems, althou they’re recommended.
Does this command show any results ? lsmod | grep rtl128
if so, create a blacklist named: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rtlsdr.conf containing this row blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu and reboot, then the previous lsmod line should return nothing.