Observation 958: GOMX 1

Regarding Observation 958

Using GOMX-1 decoder of Daniel Estévez .
More frames is here.
More details about the decoder is here.

Tag Debug:
Input Stream: 00
Offset: 3017524 Source: correlate_access_code_tag_bb8 Key: syncword Value: 0

Golay decode OK. Bit errors = 0.

    pdu_length = 258
    contents =
    0000: 1c 96 f8 7d ef 8e c0 c2 84 96 2f f7 2b 70 ad eb
    0010: b7 16 ce 5a RS decode OK. Byte errors: 0.
    97 5c cc 7a a2 86 3e 3e 10 ba 88 94
    0020: cd ea b1 fe 91 98 81 21 1a f7 79 1c 59 27 58 05
    0030: 6d c7 8d ca 29 fc 9e 88 45 * MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT PDU VERBOSE *
    7e 5c 50 21 e7 11 2b
    0040: 9b 96 63 d2 20 ()3e
    pdu_length = 02 68 34 0f f3 38 b2 4e b6 fa
    0050: dd 90 39 7c 2165d
    contents =
    0000: 00 80 e1 30 df 8a e9 f8 3c 43 d2 3e 53
    0060: 37 aa 6c fb 00 72 04 d0 6b 85 e4 71 64 9d 6d 3d
    0070: ba 36 71 d4 bb ee 61 95 15 f9 f0 50 87 8c 44 a6
    0080: 6f 55 8f f4 80 ec 09 a0 d7 0b c8 e2 c9 3a da 7b
    0090: 74 6c e5 a9 77 dc c3 2a 2b f3 e0 b0 0c 7f 8b b0
    00a0: de ab 1f e9 c0 e1 25 21 ee d5 74 e5 52 e4 48 c6
    00b0: a8 53 c9 4f d0 a4 72 d6 94 5a 77 a0 5d 2b 54 f1
    00c0: 7e 54 32 4a 00 f2 8c 83 5c ed 89 8b 24 a9 c3 ed
    00d0: d1 91 b4 a1 da 32 19 81 af ee 82 23 fa 6e 71 a7
    00e0: 38 e7 7c d4 16 20 30 8e ef 48 6e 85 9b a7 f8 d4
    00f0: 3b b7 7b ea 9c 59 9b 6e 6f 6d 32 55 53 87 e5 c1
    0100: d3 7e

a7 82 58 89 e6 93 79 07 e3 00 4c 00 50 00
0010: 00 00 21 00 48 00 39 00 34 00 4b 00 00 00 00 00
0020: 00 01 85 00 15 00 16 00 00 00 00 03 4a 03 4a 11
0030: 7f 07 07 06 ed 00 00 20 44 00 04 00 02 00 43 00
0040: 2f 00 05 00 00 01 cd 01 00 00 00 00 64 00 8b 00
0050: 16 00 16 00 15 00 15 00 14 00 14 1c 00 00 00 ab
0060: 01 40 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03
0070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 03 67 02 fc 00 00 00
00a0: 00 c1 39 36 60 40 c2 e5 20 c0 91 fc 30 40 8a 02
00b0: 1d 3f 1d f4 82 c3 bd b6 e2 43 1a 46 68 c3 02 0d
00c0: 98 03 42 aa 00 00 c2 aa 00 00 42 aa 00 00 22 22
00d0: 04 05 41 15 29 00 21 00

Timestamp: 2017-01-26 12:07:47
Flags: 0x79
Beacon A:

Boot count: 2019
Board temp 1: 19.0ºC
Board temp 2: 20.0ºC
Panel temps: [0.0, 8.25, 18.0, 14.25, 13.0, 18.75]ºC

    Bytes corrected by RS:	0
    RX packets:		0
    RX errors:		0
    TX packets:		389
    Last temp A:		21ºC
    Last temp B:		22ºC
    Last RSSI:		0dBm
    Last RF error:		0Hz
    Last battery voltage:	8.42V
    Last TX current:	842mA
    Boot count:		4479

    Boost converter voltages:	[1.799, 1.7730000000000001, 0.0]V
    Battery voltage:		8.26V
    Current out:			(4, 2, 67, 47, 5, 0)mA
    Current in:			(461, 256, 0)mA
    Boost converter current:	100mA
    Battery current:		139mA
    Temperature sensors:		(22, 22, 21, 21, 20, 20)ºC
    Output status:			0x1c
    EPS reboots:			0
    WDT I2C reboots:		171
    WDT GND reboots:		320
    Boot cause:			4
    Latchups:			(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Battery mode:			invalid mode 3

    Average FPS 5min:	0
    Average FPS 1min:	0
    Average FPS 10sec:	0
    Plane count:		0
    Frame count:		0
    Last ICAO:		0x0
    Last timestamp:		1970-01-01 00:00:00
    Last latitude:		0.0
    Last longitude:		0.0
    Last altitude:		0ft
    CRC corrected:		0
    Boot count:		0
    Boot cause:		0

    Temp:		17ºC
    Boot count:	871
    Reset cause:	2
    Switch status:	0xfc
    Burn tries:	(0, 0)

    Tumble rate:	(-11.575775146484375, 6.0904693603515625, -4.562034606933594)
    Tumble norm:	(4.312757968902588, 0.6170121431350708)
    Magnetometer:	(-379.42877197265625, 154.2750244140625, -130.0531005859375)
    Status:		0x3
    Torquer duty:	(85.0, -85.0, 85.0)
    ADS state:	0x22
    ACS state:	0x22
    Sun sensor:	(4, 5, 65, 21, 41, 0, 33, 0)
    CSP header:
    Priority:		2
    Source:			1
    Destination:		10
    Destination port:	30
    Source port:		0
    Reserved field:		0
    HMAC:			0
    XTEA:			0
    RDP:			0
    CRC:			0