From CitGardens info
- June 8 08:56Z APRS Japan #9662610
- June 9 08:37Z MOG China
- June10 07:38Z MOG Japan
- June11 08:08Z APRS Japan
- June12 06:50Z APRS Poland
- June13 06:03Z MOG Japan
- June14 08:13Z APRS Philippine
From CitGardens info
@JH4XSY thanks for opening a thread for that!
I’ve scheduled a couple of observations for 9th and 10th and I’ll try to keep tracking for the next days, however to station owners, please keep scheduling for these passes in your mind too.
PS I’ve changed the thread title to something more generic, in order to keep all the updates and interesting events for this satellite/mission here.
Today I got a MoG(Music of Geomagnetic) sound. KASHIWA generates this from 2-axis geomagnetic sensors.
Listen observation #9663995. It sounds like an alarm.
Nice catch!!!
If I’m not mistaken, with the loss of signal and/or the fluctuation on the power (if this is not part of the experiment) we can see the tumbling of the satellite.
Does anyone know if the times listed on the published schedule represent a single 10-15 minute session of activity over the listed location, or if it’s actually a START time for the downlink to be active for some longer period of time?
-Scott, K4KDR
From a quick look it seems to be just for a single pass.
From this tweet:
Today is APRS day over Germany. and DO3RCX-12 got APRS beacon and feed to ARPS-IS.
JS1YMX>APTT4,WIDE1-1,qAO,DO3RCX-12:>KASHIWA is cubesat designed by CIT Chiba Institute of Technology.
DO3RCX received two packets however not at around 08:21 utc as scheduled, but already at 05:08 utc.
APRS only Dashboard online.
KASHIWA’s timer seems to be off by +3 hours.
June 18th MoG over Russia was observed #9708095 aroud 03:38, not 06:44!
Thanks @JH4XSY! That’s very interesting.
For the next two scheduled events on 20th at 03:14 and 04:54, I’ve scheduled observations from 2024-06-20 00:00 to 2024-06-20 06:00 on both UHF and VHF transmitters.
Let’s see if we can observe again this difference in the satellite timer.
This week’s transmissions from this tweet:
CitGardens downloaded the Camera images at 2024-06-27 00:25Z and I got one of thumbnail JPEG image from SatNOGS data.
Operation Schedule for July 2nd to 5th, over Japan only.
Please join collecting CW beacons from Kashiwa for dashboard.
Scheduled some observations of MOG for 8/2, which will be active according to their twitter.
Don’t forget to consider this:
I scheduled 1-2 hours on either side, but I will add from additional observations. Thanks for the reminder.