Yes, -2- were deployed from NanoRacks this morning. The second object is SOAR, but other than the fact that it has a 430/440 MHz radio, I have not been able to locate any information about SOAR’s downlink.
Here is the RamSat homepage with images of today’s ISS deployment:
I asked & they just sent me the following. While some of the units are obvious, I’ve asked them to verify the unit for each value just to be sure. But as a starting point, please see the following:
Hello Fredy, David Andrews N1ESK here. I’m with the recently deployed RamSat satellite team based in Oak Ridge, TN. We’re coming up for air after yesterday’s flurry of activity with the deployment and activation of RamSat from the ISS. Can you steer me to the best contact person (might be you??) to update and customize the RamSat page? We’ve like to add an image, our website link, a brief description, and to start building the dashboard.
Two sets of possible SOAR packets observed off the omni around 401.7 / 401.8 on the 1303 UTC pass this morning (15-June-2021) over the Eastern U.S. Tried to decode on I/Q replay, but no luck with conventional soundmodem options.
If these signals repeat on future passes, perhaps can zoom in with higher decimation to increase SNR and have better luck.
Currently the best way for integrating with SatNOGS and adding info in the satellite page is to follow this guide and especially the “2.2 Add a new Mission” paragraph.
Especially for the dashboard and the kaitai struct for the decoder @DL4PD could help you to build them. Have in mind that for giving you and other members of your team access and permissions to create/edit a dashboard you will need to login at least once in
@K4KDR thanks! let us know if you spot SOAR in this frequency so we can add it in DB and try also to watch it and identify it when there are any TLE sets.
Thanks Fredy, our team will take a look and see if we can make some progress here. SatNOGS is a fantastic resource for us on so many levels. As our primary mission is to inspire and educate middle schoolers, SatNOGS will become a frequent site visited by us and our students in the future.
RamSat telemetry units:
All voltage values are V * 100
All current values are mA
“Battery Is Charging” is a binary field (1=charging, 0=discharging)
All temperatures are degrees C * 10
Sun sensor values are unitless ADC outputs, range 0-1000. Values will be calibrated during the mission once more data are gathered in operational setting. Will be proportional to cosine beam-sensor angle.
iMTQ are calibrated magnetic field values in body frame X, Y, Z directions, in mT
Antenna deployment status of 0000 means antennas are all deployed and in operational configuration.
Longitude, latitude, and elevation will be determined by onboard SGP4 calculations once a TLE is uplinked. For now all zero.
Quantities labeled (+/-) X, Y, Z are associated with faces of the body.
BCR = battery charge regulator. BCR1 is associated with the +X and -X solar panels. BCR2 is associated with the +Y and -Y solar panels. BCR3 is associated with the -Z solar panel. The +Z face has an opening for two cameras, and no solar panel.
In the list above, the BCR numbering for currents on Y and Z panels is not correct: it should use BCR2 for the Y components, and BCR3 for the Z component. The voltage components are labeled correctly for all BCRs.
Thanks for all the help in allowing us to monitor RamSat health immediately after deployment!
RamSat now has a NORAD ID: 48851. From 18SPCS: “It’s not in the catalog on Space-Track yet, but you can get the TLEs using the ELSET SEARCH under the Space-Track HOME menu.”
The first TLE is:
Also very much appreciate the TLE info. So that puts RamSat 1:15 ahead of the ISS as I’m typing this… that will sure make antenna pointing & doppler correction more accurate.
@pethornton thanks for the heads-up, I’ve changed the TLE we follow in DB for RamSat to 48851, however 48850 is also close.
I guess in the next days with more separation and also with the TLE sets assigned to objects from 18SPCS (still at “To Be Assigned” status), we will be able to identify which of these two objects is RamSat.
It is very interesting how SOAR is identified while both TLE sets are so close. By missing any public evidence of this identification and by having seen in the past misidentifications in I think we should wait a couple of days to be sure. Until then, we keep following TLE sets of OBJECT SM for RamSat.