Geoscan-Edelveis mission

New image transmissions!

10.01.2023 scheduled (UTC Time):
Image 1: 10:16:30 + 10:18:40 (43.62, 5.58)
Image 2: 21:34:00 + 23:07:00 + 23:10:00 (40.56, -87.69)

11.01.2023 scheduled (UTC Time):
Image 3: 08:19:00 + 08:21:15 (42.4, 36.26)
Image 4: 09:50:00 + 09:52:10 (44.79, 11.96)

12.01.2023 scheduled (UTC Time):
Image 5: 07:49:00 + 07:51:20 (39.95, 43.76)
Image 6: 15:37:30 (38.14, -2.83)

That could have been the moon, it was just about at the horizon at the time the picture was taken.
Here’s a Lucky-7 image for comparison:


To add to that, according to Stellarium the Moon was pretty much directly North at that time as viewed from that position.
I compared the Geoscan-Edelveis photo to a Meteosat-11 image taken more or less at the same time, so we can determine by the snow and cloud formations where exactly Geoscan-Edelveis was looking, and when its photo is rotated to match Meteosat, the Moon direction matches exactly where it should have been at the time


Wow. That’s a great news! Thank you very much! Now we know it was the Moon, this picture became even more awesome:)

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Image 1

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@dereksgc haha you got it first :slight_smile: I just logged on to post that it was indeed the moon!!!

@dereksgc @geoscan Done, you can take a look here: GitHub - radio-satellites/geoscan-moon-finder: Check for moon imaging sessions from the satellite GEOSCAN

You must update the TLEs in TLEs.txt, and then run either of the two files. finds all of the passes of the moon in the near future, finds whether or not the moon was above the horizon at a specified time.

Indeed the moon was!!!

P.S I’m writing from math class in school, because we’re still doing integers (“is that number greater than the other???”). Thank goodness I have my intermediate algebra work from home. school in canada :angry:


Very nice photo, but badly decoded at my place :frowning:

ooo where is this? Looks really nice!

The second pass was better :slight_smile:

ooo great lakes I think?

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Upscaling and some AI enhanced


In the Geoscan last pass 11-1-2023, orbit #2370 I have received not 2 but 3 transmission. The 1st looked OK in lenght, the 2nd looked interrupted and the 3rd went out of my footprint. With the first and the truncated second I have been able to make this nice picture.

Location or coordinates?

Best 73 de David EA4SG

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This is strange behavior. I will investigate it. Thank you! I will add coordinate to the schedule a bit later.

Yes. Indeed great lakes!

Today pass received in Poland


Image 5 that was transmitted today


From observation 7017478 at 2023-01-12 15:34:20 UTC :artificial_satellite: :+1: :artificial_satellite:



What files were sent during the last pass ?

They don’t convert to photos

We tried to get a full image of yesterdays transmission. That was not memory which contained a jpg header, so it don’t convert to photos. Plus we tried to get some telemetry dump