Current hardware and software state

Hello everyone,

Is there one unified spot to check on the current state of the project.
I’m interested in contributing; mostly on the software side but I’m pretty competent with radios and electronics as well.

On the hardware side, I know it seems that v3 of the rotator is in development, but I haven’t really seen a clear comparison between v2 and v3. Is there any huge disadvantage to v2?

Software, what parts need the most work?

Thanks and 73,

Hey @thomasns! Welcome to the community :smile:

That would be all our github issues at the moment. We are also spinning up a wiki to track all development soon, we hope that this will help a lot towards this direction.

v3 is considerably more rigid and reliable. Also quite more easy to build. Our documentation for v3 is almost finished at this point (BOM and designs are already available on the github repo satnogs-rotator).

On client, that would be getting Funcube dongle and/or HackRF to work with our setup (either by ammending rtl_fm or using a new stack there.)

On network, it is making scheduling better with:

Funcube Dongle should not be too difficult (I’m working on it with a combo of gnuradio and hamlib)… Right now hamlib supports funcube dongle for frequency changing using rigctld. The catch with hackrf is that there is no such support in hamlib today, so the frequency changing would need to be done in gnuradio (which may be a better way to begin with). There is gr-doppler which should work for this, just needs someone to put the pieces together, test and document it. If this method gets solved it would work for many devices all the same (rtl-sdr, funcube dongle, hackrf, etc)

For what its worth I’m doing this testing with a Raspberry Pi 2 using debian jessie as there are already gnuradio packages built for it which cuts down on the compile/cross-compile time a LOT. Refer to my comment here on Jessie+raspi2 Client install issue - #8 by cshields

Gnuradio can be installed on wheezy by adding the jessie package source, without needing to go full jessie. I had it running on my pi 2 this way.