Bisonsat on 437.630?

Now again, a satellite appears on some 100 kHz above the original frequency.

This time it’s Bisonsat.
I saw its beacons passing by in 1 minute interval to almost 437.640 MHz near LOS while listening to RS40S’s signal which was exactly as predicted.

Interestingly enough, at the same time, PE0SAT’s station observed signals on Bisonsat’s regular frequency (however to weak to be decoded).
There is unfortunately no observation at this time for RS40S to double check.

Could someone please check on around 437.630 +/- doppler for Bisonsat?


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Can you clarify about Bisonsat? Satnogs say this is Norad 40974, but n2yo says 40974 is Sinod-d 1. Are they one and the same Cubesat? I just want to know to ensure that I look for the satellite signal at the correct date/time :slight_smile: Thanks.

Hi Simon,

Thank you for your reply.
Indeed, the ID is a little odd here.
Formerly, SatNOGS assigned 40968 to Bisonsat.
However it turned out that this didn’t fit to Bisonsat, but 40974 (actually the ID for Sinod-D 1) does!
Bisonsat and Sinod-D 1 were launched on the same rocket, so maybe that’s why their signals were mixed up.

The ID swap was discussed on June 17th.

Thanks for your clarification :slight_smile: I’ll see if I can receive the Bisonsat signal based on 40974 pass data on n2yo.


Both BISONSAT and MCUBED-2 changed read the following MCUBED-2 and BISONSAT TLE swaps

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Good day Daniel,

Looking at STRF obs I don’t see any signals 100kHz higher, I also had a look at MIMAM where there was another post that the frequency was off, and there I also didn’t find any signals.

Is there any change your SDR LO is off, or another artifact on your side that could cause this.

Can you share some information on the SDR used and the sample-rate configured, I have seen strange artifacts when running a RTL-SDR at 2.4 or 2.56 MSPS.

Here a recent BISONSAT obs SatNOGS Network - Observation 10016144

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Hi Jan,

In the case of Bisonsat I received its signal 255 kHz above the original frequency.

You are right, it could be an issue with my SDR, but the strange thing is that I received another signals at the correct frequency at the same time.

My settings hasn’t changed, they are:


I have never used 1.8 Msps, maybe you can switch to 2.048Msps and see if you experience other behavior.

I used to use 2 Msps before but using now 1.8 Msps for several month.
I’ll set it to 2 Msps once this issue come up again to see if this will have any influence.

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I was only just observing passing Bisonsat again and received it on its regular frequency only while monitoring .630 simultaneously with no signal.