Auto Scheduler and software acess to routine observations

Hello together,

I have installed the auto-scheduler for the satellite PEGASUS on my Station in Austria.

I documented the process, since I ran into some errors during installation. Maybe the file attached will help you for setting up the auto-scheduler. You only need to adapt it to the NORAD-ID and transmitter you want to observer of the ISS. :slight_smile:

Note: The paths in the document are for my local Setup on a RPi, they may differ for you. Moreover, I have generated the content of the priorities_XXXX.txt file using a script. The standard procedure, which is discribed in the auto-scheduler documentation didn’t work out for me. Also note, that the auto-scheduler is not part of any GUI, its a routine which runs at defined times using a cronjob. This routine schedules the specified passes for your Station in the SatNOGS Network.

Alex, oe3ala

3_Install satnogs-auto-scheduler for PEGASUS.pdf (118.5 KB)

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