Adding an EQUiSat Decoder to gr-satnogs

Hello everyone,

I’m the technical lead of Brown Space Engineering, and we’ve figured out how to write a GNU Radio script to decode EQUiSat! I’m currently in the process of writing it.

I was hoping to be able to integrate the decoder into SatNOGS, and do so fairly soon, as EQUiSat is actually entering one of the most active periods of its mission where it may flash its LEDs again (due to a global sun exposure peak for our orbit). But looking at the satnogs-client code and posts here I see that adding a decoder is a bit involved and involves updating station software. I know no one likes to rush out software so I figure that wouldn’t necessarily be an option in the next two weeks.

So, I’m curious about everyone’s thoughts on how easy/inconvenient it would be (for station owners) to upgrade to a new branch of gr-satnogs and satnogs-client? If I submit a pull request on both is it just a matter of git checkout on the controller Pi? I was having a bit of hard time wrapping my head around Ansible and the setup on those Pis.

It sounds to me that in the long term the best place for adding such a specific decoder may be through gr-satellites as Daniel proposed, but I figured it’d be reasonable to think about a direct integration in the short term (that could be rolled back later).
