Zebra Waterfall


Regarding Observation 2459970
Does it look like more like a bug or an USB connection problem with my RTL-SDR, or a coax problem ?


Another exemple : https://network.satnogs.org/observations/2459971/

There is ongoing discussion of this in another thread. Apparently it’s a bug that affects the tuner, and basically it switches back and forth between the current frequency and the frequency used in the last observation. I believe it’s being worked on (or at least researched).

Is this the same issue? Take Observation 2434434 mentioned in Observation 2412799: METEOR-M 2 (40069). There’s a distinct shift at about 700 seconds where the central line shifts left substantially. You can also see a fair bit of regular back and forth around the 200 second mark. Whereas with these observations they exhibit the zebra lines but the signal stays central. Are the ‘zebra lines’ part of the same issue, an artefact of it, or an independent problem?

I also have some observations that seem to have the frequency shift problem on my station.

Not sure. I suggested that at first glance, but you may be correct.

In the interim, if this behavior is caused by the same issue as the others with this symptom, doing a full power-off shutdown and coming up fresh seems to clear things up.

Still not sure if it’s the same issue, but I think I can cause this ‘on demand’ by trying to be too clever.

In trying to run radiosonde_auto_rx when my station wasn’t doing anything else, I had a pre-observation script:

sudo systemctl stop auto_rx.service
/home/pi/rtl_biast/build/src/rtl_biast -b 1

Sometimes I got a usb_claim_interface error -6 from rtl_biast when it hadn’t quite managed to shut down auto_rx in time. That generally killed the observaton as it either didn’t work at all, or at least got no signal with the LNA not being powered. Other times it appears to work, but seems to initiate the ‘zebra’ effect in the waterfall image (see observation 2501914).

It could be a fluke of timing but my guess is not. I couldn’t prove either way as it needed both auto-rx stopped and satnogs-client restarted to clear latent issues.

Another process keeping the ‘handle’ is not the same as the same process doing so, but thought it worth documenting this as another data point possibly useful for digging deeper. I’ve seen the same symptoms when not running the above on this station too.

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My station has started doing this again - this and this observation being particularly obvious. I’m going to restart the service again, but how do we get to the bottom of this?

Do we know any more about where the problem is occurring? Top thread output from various processes:

top - 16:06:29 up  2:03,  1 user,  load average: 0.55, 0.31, 0.22
Tasks: 118 total,   1 running, 117 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  8.2 us,  1.4 sy,  0.0 ni, 90.4 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   1939.4 total,   1436.8 free,    208.3 used,    294.4 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   1939.4 total,   1939.4 free,      0.0 used.   1587.3 avail Mem

 4412 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S  42.1   5.3   1:34.31 satnogs_fm.py
  351 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   1.0   5.0   0:27.60 satnogs-client
  345 hamlib-+  20   0   25244   4236   2744 S   0.3   0.2   0:04.72 rigctld
 4470 pi        20   0   10300   3072   2560 R   0.3   0.2   0:00.05 top
    1 root      20   0   33752   7996   6404 S   0.0   0.4   0:03.69 systemd

top - 16:06:17 up  2:03,  1 user,  load average: 0.71, 0.33, 0.22
Threads:  24 total,   0 running,  24 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  9.2 us,  3.1 sy,  0.0 ni, 87.7 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   1939.4 total,   1440.2 free,    207.9 used,    291.4 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   1939.4 total,   1939.4 free,      0.0 used.   1590.7 avail Mem

  351 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:02.02 satnogs-client
  576 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.18 satnogs-client
  648 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.72 satnogs-client
  652 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.55 satnogs-client
  653 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.51 satnogs-client
  681 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.32 satnogs-client
  683 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.27 satnogs-client
  684 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.42 satnogs-client
  685 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:07.35 satnogs-client
  744 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.36 satnogs-client
  745 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.39 satnogs-client
  798 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.52 satnogs-client
  890 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.37 satnogs-client
  891 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.41 satnogs-client
  951 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.54 satnogs-client
 1069 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.13 satnogs-client
 1070 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.41 satnogs-client
 1117 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.46 satnogs-client
 1255 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:01.22 satnogs-client
 1256 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.35 satnogs-client
 1438 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.27 satnogs-client
 1581 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.40 satnogs-client
 4409 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:00.04 satnogs-client
 4410 satnogs   20   0  312964  99180  18316 S   0.0   5.0   0:01.79 satnogs-client

top - 16:06:07 up  2:02,  1 user,  load average: 0.65, 0.31, 0.22
Threads:  16 total,   0 running,  16 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  8.4 us,  1.9 sy,  0.0 ni, 89.5 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.2 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   1939.4 total,   1442.6 free,    208.1 used,    288.7 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   1939.4 total,   1939.4 free,      0.0 used.   1593.1 avail Mem

 4425 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S  13.0   5.3   0:25.02 pfb_arb_resamp1
 4423 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   8.3   5.3   0:15.21 fir_filter_blk<
 4429 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   6.0   5.3   0:11.45 ogg_encoder4
 4426 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   4.0   5.3   0:07.72 fir_filter_blk1
 4422 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   3.0   5.3   0:05.57 soapy::source1
 4424 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   2.3   5.3   0:04.82 coarse_doppler_
 4428 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   1.7   5.3   0:03.10 dc_blocker_ff12
 4430 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   1.7   5.3   0:02.94 iq_sink5
 4431 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   1.7   5.3   0:02.61 waterfall_sink2
 4427 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   1.3   5.3   0:02.87 quadrature_dem1
 4419 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   0.3   5.3   0:00.71 satnogs_fm.py
 4421 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   0.3   5.3   0:00.03 tcp_rigctl_msg_
 4432 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   0.3   5.3   0:00.90 satnogs_fm.py
 4412 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   0.0   5.3   0:01.53 satnogs_fm.py
 4418 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   0.0   5.3   0:00.00 satnogs_fm.py
 4433 satnogs   20   0  328436 104768  52088 S   0.0   5.3   0:00.00 satnogs_fm.py

top - 16:06:47 up  2:03,  1 user,  load average: 0.63, 0.35, 0.23
Threads:   3 total,   0 running,   3 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 10.0 us,  0.0 sy,  0.0 ni, 90.0 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   1939.4 total,   1432.5 free,    207.9 used,    299.1 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   1939.4 total,   1939.4 free,      0.0 used.   1583.0 avail Mem

  345 hamlib-+  20   0   25244   4236   2744 S   6.7   0.2   0:00.10 rigctld
 4411 hamlib-+  20   0   25244   4236   2744 S   0.0   0.2   0:00.50 rigctld
 4420 hamlib-+  20   0   25244   4236   2744 S   0.0   0.2   0:00.50 rigctld

The problem start to reapear on my station. Seems like this is maybe combined with rtl-sdr (de)connection, I had two observation with data but with no waterfall before this observation.

there is a left over observation running in parallel that causes this. update to latest and restart your station.