Yaesu G5500 Controller

Hi to all, i want to to set the SatNOGS station with a Yaesy G5500 Rotor (az & elev). Do i’m need the yaesu interface (it’s too expensive) or i can use the satnogs-rotator-controller to interface between my raspberry pi (satnogs-client) and the rotor?


Hey @lu9cbl !

For G5500 we have specifically designed an Arduino Shield you can use. We have it in production on a couple of ground stations for over a year now!

Hi! now i have the Yaesu G5500. Do you know how can i’m export the kicad of the arduino shield to PDF or JPG to made the PCB in my home? Thanks

i’m thinking use a prototype shield to the Arduino Uno instead of using the PCB. It’s not much components to usi this. Thanks

Hello @lu9cbl !

On KiCAD when you have open the .kicad_pcb file there is an option to File > Plot and there you can select SVG or PNG exports of certain layers. Let me know if you need any additional help on this.