Hello community,
As we approach winter I have set myself the task of constructing a CP VHF yagi to go with my new rotator.
Ideas for the yagi are, it will have 5 elements on a 2 mt (approx) long boom the elements will be 6mm diameter and the boom will be 20mm square tub (because thats what I have in stock) all in aluminium.
My plan is to construct a 5 element yagi in one plane (ie vertical) on the boom then 1/4 wave distance up the boom an identical yagi in the horizontal plane , the two pairs of driven elements would be wired through a phasing harness to hopefully produce RHCP.
I have scoured the internet on information on this construction and there are so many variables it can be confusing, Hence my post to see if anyone has been down this route befor who would be willing to share some ideas.
I am getting to grips with Mmana-Gal and posess a VNA along with all the tools I could possibly need inc. 3D printer.
So would the antenna be a good choice to construct or can anyone suggest better , I would just like to build the best antenna for my purpose with what I have available and not get bored in the winter.
Thanks for any ideas, suggestions.