Where does SatNOGS client store received data?

Where does the SatNOGS client store the received data during a tracking pass prior to it being uploaded to the network? I can now track the satellite pass but never find any data on the observation page to work with. I am running Client .2.5 on a Pi 3B using the defined SDR receiver, and ‘sdr_test’ recognizes the SDR dongle.

This weekend I will bypass the SDR and feed the signal into my FT-847 but let the SatNOGS client control the tracking of a number of satellites and will listen to the passes using the FT-847, testing the feed line and antenna system.

Thanks, Will - N7IPY

its all in /tmp/.satnogs/data - as it receives it will dump the data to a “receiving_…” filename. When done it copies to “satnogs_…” for the ogg data and “waterfall_…” for the processed waterfall image.

Every 15 minutes the client looks through that directory for satnogs_ and waterfall_ files that need to be uploaded. When they are successfully uploaded the files get moved to /tmp/.satnogs/data/complete

note that as of today there is no clean up process for data in those directories. Depending on the SD card it is possible to fill it up over time. We still need to figure out the right balance between a ground station operator keeping the data locally and keeping disk space available.


Thanks for the information.

Over the weekend I tested a few satellite passes using the SatNOGS client to control the Rotor System movement but attached the antenna to my FT-847 and was was able to hear the CW beacons from a number of transponders. When I attach the antenna to to the RTL-SDR dongle and let the SatNOGS client do it’s thing, it never saves any data.

the .ogg file is created in the above referenced location but never grows past 0 bytes in size. When I run the RTL-SDR test application, it reports a 100 or so bytes of lost data the first time and after that reports no further errors. So I know the SDR has signal at it’s input, the antenna position is being controlled and the system knows about the RTL-Dongle. Im not sure what to try next other than to re-install. - Will - N7IPY

Hi Will,

Any chance you could message me your log file (click my username to send a direct message, upload it)? It would either be in /tmp/satnogs-stderr—supervisor-(random string).log or /var/log/supervisor/satnogs-stderr—supervisor-(random string).log


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Thanks for the log! Pasting the relevant choke point below for others to see.

@N7IPY can you let me know what version of the client you are running? Was it installed from pip or built from github?

2017-04-24 18:18:02,131 - apscheduler.executors.default - ERROR - Job "spawn_receiver (trigger: date[2017-04-25 01:18:02 UTC], next run at: 2017-04-25 01:18:02 UTC)" raised an exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apscheduler/executors/base.py", line 125, in run_job
    retval = job.func(*job.args, **job.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/satnogsclient/scheduler/tasks.py", line 59, in spawn_receiver
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/satnogsclient/receiver.py", line 152, in run
    self.producer = Popen(self.get_demodulation_cmd(), stdout=self.pipe[1])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1335, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
TypeError: execv() arg 2 must contain only strings

I installed using the instructions found here:

Docs » satnogs-client » SatNOGS Client Installation » Installing SatNOGS on a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3

                                Command line is:  sudo pip install satnogsclient==0.2.5


Unfortunately, this is not the latest documentation. We are near on finishing the process of writing it and deploy 0.3 version of client.

You can find the most updated doc for 0.3 version in https://github.com/adamkalis/satnogs-client/blob/0.3-docs/doc/raspi-install.rst

It should work fine except the part of “sudo pip install satnogsclient==0.3” which is not possible right now, as the version is not yet uploaded to pypi (it will be soon). Instead you can run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/satnogs/satnogs-client.git
cd satnogs-client
sudo pip install -e .
sudo python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

After running the above commands you will be able to run satnogs-client.

Definitely want to get Will going on v3… However there is also a big dependency on installing gr-satnogs that we didn’t have in v2.

Documentation for v0.3 has been finished and you can find it now in http://satnogs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

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