What Soundmodem for FSK?

I see that Samsat-Ionosphere have started a QSL program.

Samsat-Ionosphere QSL

However it does send 1k2 AX.25 in FSK modulation, does anyone know what kind of Soundmodem version supports that? Or some other alternative for Windows?


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Here is the UZ7HO FSK AX.25 version.


Thank you!


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gr-satellites can also decode it.

I’ve added this file as .yml manually.
SAMSAT-IONOSPHERE.yml.txt (259 Bytes)

QSL card


Does not seem to be any Windows support on that program as far as i can tell?


“gr-satellites and GNU Radio can also be installed using conda, in Linux, macOS, and Windows.”

gr-satellites documentation

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The modulation is FSK but the protocol is AX25. Does that mean i can use, lets say Baskiton`s sat decoder for AX25 as long as i pipe Soundmodem into it?



  - RS75S
norad: 61784
  &tlm AX25 telemetry:
    telemetry: ax25
  1k2 AX25 FSK downlink:
    frequency: 437.400e+6
    modulation: FSK
    baudrate: 1200
    deviation: 500
    framing: AX.25
    - *tlm

Other Yaml files for this launch can by found on the location. Most of them are now also merged into the gr-satellites repository.

Well, if you expect something like that below, then … yes.

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Yeah, like that.

I was under the assumption that you had to send in data in hex and not just the raw stream coming from sound modem.

At least that is what i have been doing up to this point.


I’ve been trying to use GetKissPluss to decoded the data from the AX.25 FSK sound modem but when adding SamSat-ionosphere to the tle list for getkisspluss as you try to load samsat I get a run time error. I’ve looked for the error code up and this is what I’ve found “This error occurs when a program attempts to divide a value by zero, which is mathematically impossible”

Has anyone else had this issue and were you able to resolve it?

Im guessing GetKisspluss does not like the tle

I’m going to try the Baskiton Sat decoder now like Daniel showed above


Please attach the TLE file you are using for GetKISS+.

iirc this is because one of the tle’s have 0 in the B* (or MM?) part of the first line.

Its the current tle
1 61784U 24199BB 24357.57752685 .00021934 00000-0 87702-3 0 9993
2 61784 97.3783 221.6469 0019794 74.2289 286.1130 15.24934778 54254

I’m guessing its because of the two BB’s in bold?
I changed them to 00 but that did not work so removed but that did not work either

Changing the TLE lines requires the recalculation of checksum, else it will just be rejected.
That may also point to that specific TLE not being the issue but some other in the same file.

I got no error message using your two lines, also the checksum is correct.

Please provide the whole TLE file.

Ive just updated the whole tle from selectrack and now it works…

This is the new tle

1 61784U 24199BB 24358.56179001 .00021533 00000+0 85981-3 0 9999
2 61784 97.3785 222.6169 0019830 71.2206 289.1181 15.24982941 54402

Well Getkissplus opens up but after the decode it now crashes, But this might be due to the path for uploading the data is invalid.

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QSL received today.


It only took about 20 attempts but finally!
