These TLEs have been update for Mean Anomaly and are based on @cgbsat’s excellent pre-launch TLEs as shared in this thread. Thanks @fredy and all Satnogs members for all your help!
I followed the same approach as @cgbsat and measured the doppler on a few passes of CELESTA and MTCube 2. I have checked the previous TLEs based on GREENCUBE, but fitting the orbits from scratch gives some improvement.
For CELESTA the TCA changed to 25 seconds later and the rms from 52 to 24 Hz.
The differences with TLE of the previous message are small. But as the cubesats where deployed in 4 different directions, it can become meaningful to use separate orbits for them.
Edit: Changed the Epoch of MTCube-2 to a little later to make it the most recent.
Hi, just a couple of points for anyone who might be trying to use the auto scheduler to capture these MEO Sats.
Firstly, there is a default MAX_NORAD_CAT_ID value in the auto scheduler settings of 90000. These Sats have (temporary) Norad CAT ID values in the 90000s, so the auto scheduler will ignore them unless you override the default in the auto scheduler .env file.
Secondly, the auto scheduler doesn’t have the rather useful facility via the network scheduler of being able to break up these very long passes into 12 min segments. Based on the TLEs, the pass might be at least 1hr 20 mins so is very likely to collide with another scheduled observation. The route we are using that gives most control is to manually schedule the MEOs, and then run the auto scheduler to work around them. Alternatively to go fully auto you can try limiting the max observation time selected by the auto scheduler to say 15 mins, and then it would appear the scheduler selects just the middle 15 mins of the pass. We are experimenting with this approach at the moment!
Regarding ASTROBIO, I have set up a 38el yagi with lna pointing straight up to look for it. There are a few observations with quite similar transmissions and I just wanted to report what I have seen. 6366828, 6372808 something is drifting back and forth with the average at about -15kHz. 6366827, 6366826, 6366825, 6366517 the same but at +10kHz.
There are also other satellites on the frequency, got demod of UniSat-7 on this obs 6365657. DB has more of them.
The one strange thing is the too consistent signal from it, I would expect a lot larger difference on the higher elevations. For example this GREENCUBE obs 6373242.
From recent observations of GREENCUBE and with suggestions from other observers, GREENCUBE fits better on 53106 object which was assigned to MTCUBE-2, for this reasons I’ve just swapped GREENCUBE and MTCUBE-2.
Update: NORAD 53106 still seems to be the best fit for GREENCUBE. I’m basing this on doppler curves from STRF observations from three different orbits at my station 2134, RF signal at 435.310 MHz in waterfalls and last date of decoded frame Obs 6623188 on Oct 17,2022.
MTCube-2 @ 436.750MHz (53109) still has not been verified in over 500 SatNOGS observations since launch on July 13. There were several RF observations in waterfalls for the initial 24 hours after launch which appeared to be a beacon signal @ 15 second intervals, nothing decoded. Notable example from observation 6211825 that appears to have a valid beacon signal.
the S5Lab research team of the University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, the Italian Space Agency and AMSAT Italia are happy to inform the ham radio community that the GreenCube satellite will be switched in digipeater mode between 29-Oct-2022 00:01 UTC and 30-Oct-2022 23:59 UTC. Information on the setup required to access the satellite can be found on the team’s web site
The S5lab team of Sapienza provides the software needed to communicate with the satellite along with a technical guide of the setup and the GUI features. The archive contains:
The user manual
The Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The Terminal Node Controller (TNC) software
The GNURadio script to receive and transmit
The software kit can be downloaded from the same web page. The satellite digipeater implements a store-and-forward message service and works at 435.310 Mhz (U/L and D/L).
The 3U cubesat was launched on the Vega-C maiden flight on 13-Jul-2022 in a MEO orbit. The GreenCube project is being carried out through a collaboration agreement between the Italian Space Agency and Sapienza University of Rome, with the participation of ENEA and University Federico II of Naples. As for the radio frequency communications, a strong and effective cooperation with AMSAT Italia has been established, whereby AMSAT Italia endorsed the frequency coordination request.
From this link I downloaded the zip,
uncompressed on a win7. It started normaly the
But when I started the GUI, the Windows Defender sent an alert, found the Wacatac trojan malware.
After some little search it become clear, sometimes there are fals detections. At least, this situation not clear for me. But some descriptions propose another online virusscan. I started to download again to a linux machine, decompressed it, and try this online virus check:
put there the DigipeaterGUI.exe file. After the scan, it reported this:
5 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious
It seems, it has malware. Or interpret I this an incorrect way?
My questions:
have somebody the same alert with Windows Defender or virustotal online scanner?
what can I do, maybe the best solution to change the zip file in the download area.
best: t.janos