Using PST Rotator shifts rotator fractional decrees with SAT_ROT_THRESHOLD is set to 8

We’ve successfully configured SatNOGS and PST Rotator to let SatNOGS aim our satellite antennas even though they’re controlled by a different computer (a PC). But despite SATNOGS_ROT_THRESHOLD being set to 8 in the SatNOGS client (which I think would specify a minimum rotation of 8 degrees) The rotator still seems to be moving constantly in fractions (like .8) of a degree. This is going to wear down the rotator quickly particularly since the 42 element 70cm antenna doesn’t stop shaking before being commanded to a new position. Is there a parameter that I can change in the code (something like the “max_az” variable added to to get it to move past 180 degrees) or can I make a hard modification to some code to increase the granularity of the movement?


Jon WB2MNF sysop of W2MMD