Unknown Satellite (camera for videometeor recording) - help?

Since 25/12/2024, I have been registering a satellite (?) on cameras designed for observing meteors, the number of recordings reaches 200 per night. A very small angular velocity is typical (and high apparent magnitude), the object moves towards the south on individual nights. I am attaching measurements from one station and also a stacked photo from the whole night. This field is out of my area of ​​expertise, but I would like to know what I have to delete from the cameras every night :slight_smile: Thanks in advance for your help…

Stipa (E17.7284864 N49.2652128 H276.0)
Time (UT) mag azimuth elevation ra dec
212625 1.13 186.5227 33.8979 69.4511 -6.6831
214523 2.26 186.7995 34.5637 74.0233 -5.9912
023244 1.51 189.8445 41.4693 144.3048 1.2602

VMSE (E17.9733400 N49.4632467 H338.0)
212625 1.49 186.8756 33.6567 69.3843 -6.7042
023244 0.86 190.1543 41.2343 144.2915 1.2494

MARSE (E17.8280111 N49.3657731 H667.0)
212625 0.64 186.6970 33.7810 69.3967 -6.6887
214523 1.69 186.9194 34.4372 74.0151 -6.0095
023244 0.49 189.9452 41.3421 144.3147 1.2421

Azimuth north=0, south=180
Time is in UTC
Date 26./27.12.2024

Many thanks



I converted your coordinates to IOD lines, and added your locations to my sites.txt. I used the first and last observation only, because these have 3 points. IOD lines:

90000 24 001A   9920 E 20241226212625000 17 25 0437804-064099 37 S
90000 24 001A   9920 E 20241226214523000 17 25 0456093-055947 37 S
90000 24 001A   9920 E 20241227023244000 17 25 0937219+011561 37 S

90000 24 001A   9922 E 20241226212625000 17 25 0437587-064132 37 S
90000 24 001A   9922 E 20241226214523000 17 25 0456060-060057 37 S
90000 24 001A   9922 E 20241227023244000 17 25 0937259+011452 37 S

Next I ran satfit of sattools GitHub - cbassa/sattools: Satellite Tracking Toolkit to identify it and both observations find 26666 as best match:

NORAD  diff MA  diff RAAN   RMS      file    TLE AGE
26666   -0.022   -0.004    0.014    s1.dat   -1.016
26666   -0.030   -0.002    0.015    s3.dat   -1.016

And 26666 is Turksat 2A:

1 26666U 01002A   24362.88819634 -.00000139  00000-0  00000-0 0  9997
2 26666   7.6342  67.1611 0008300 284.3549  70.4576  0.98209607 87014

Nice picture! :slight_smile:

Best regards,



The detective work is impressive (:
pretty odd orbit ?!


That’s a defunct geostationary satellite in a graveyard orbit.