UDP dump port issue

Everything should be up to date now. I had to update/install 9 files manually.

Setup had wrecked all my updates on 2 attempts. But from the third reinstallation/reupdate of the 9 files it might work now. Let’s see tomorrow morning.

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Experimental might be broken right now due to massive updates for ‘buster’. On top of that, we recently discovered that some of the Debian repository mirrors were out of sync on ‘buster’, specifically on uhd-host package. I’ve triggered a rebuild and this should now be fixed but I’m not sure if other mirrors or packages are affected or if this could be the cause of packages not updating.


As it seems unti now the software is working as expected. Thank’s a lot. Especially Jan for your continued support.

There are still several packages which lack an update, but this might be fixed, too. Thank you Acinonyx for digging into that.

Now I get Waterfall readings, and unfortunately had to notice that the POE supply floods the whole box with interferences/noise. The next days I’ll fit a hf-thight box inside the enclosure where the LNA’s, V/U Diplexer, Smith Combiner and all the BPF’s as well as the SDR will be fitted)

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Thank you for your perseverance