To my knowledge, Hades-R is not only within D-Orbit’s ION SVC-016 but additionally within Alba Orbital’s Albapod.
Is AMSAT-EA also informed from Alba Orbital about when they will deploy Hades-R into free space?
We have used this TLE for the last pass, it has worked pretty well. It is slightly too early based on my observations. The last TLE we had was around 500-600 Hz late for the morning / lunch passes, now this set was around 100 Hz too early. However it worked fine.
I will turn the transmitter on in the next pass as well. 2108-2120 UTC.
We will also be sending the beacon semi regularly in the next time, until we fully understand the status of the satellite.
Hi folks, I am reporting in here from the team supporting ELEVATION-1. I have noticed some oddities in the DB I wanted to report, so hopefully we can help shed some extra light on this large batch of satellites launched from T-12.
The satellite with ID FOYA-6887-7497-4856-0981 in the DB currently labeled “ELEVATION-1 (98688)” does not have the correct transceiver configuration. The ELEVATION-1 satellites uses a UHF downlink frequency of 400.200Mhz. The ground track reported in the DB appears to be close to what I believe is correct, but not spot on. Here is a TLE provided by our ops team that is currently being used to track the spacecraft. It is still being refined, mind you:
The UHF transmitter onboard is operating at 7.41577kbps using 2-FSK modulation. It uses the openlst protocol, which would be awesome to integrate for general use on the Satnogs network. We can open a side conversation on that topic if it would be of interest. Some resources:
Thanks so much! Just installed the OpenLST blocks on my GRC 3.10 machine, so now I’m just lacking a test file. SatNogs usually comes to the rescue when I don’t have any of my own recordings for an object, but they will need to switch over to 400.200 MHz before any observations might catch some of these ELEVATION-1 downlinks.
And as always, your .yml file templates are MUCH appreciated and very helpful!!
I misunderstood, I thought you already had a test file.
Just now, @fredy is changing the transmitter and then we will create some obs to see if we can record some data and test the OpenLST framing. (Have a look for DORA, that was one of the first with this framing)
We do have and challenge with the TLE, looking at the latest T12 Celestrak data that was +/- 4 minutes of.
I proposed my TLE to see if these will fit better and to make things even more confusing, look at the image.
@bcwaldon After some quick analysis it seems that the unknown satellite isn’t ELEVATION-1 as the AX.25 doesn’t fit what you described and also the TLE followed for the ELEVATION-1 and the unknown satellite give very different positions for the satellites.
Thanks again for the OpenLST repository link + the recently added example GRC file.
I was not able to get past that version of the OpenLST deframer requiring a ‘satcom’ python module, but fortunately there is an OpenLST deframer in gr-satellites that works very well w/ sample files from a previous satellite.
@K4KDR The “satcom” dependency is here: GitHub - antaris-inc/python-satcom. We have simply refactored the openlst frame handling code out of the original gr-openlst repo for testability and reuse elsewhere. You can just clone that git repo and pip install it locally (sorry we are not distributing it on pypy yet!).