Support for station monitoring (sensors, telemetry)

Hi All

I was wondering if there is some mechanism in SatNogs network to monitor my station using the website.

Sometimes, because I use a remote station, the only way to check if the station is OK is to look at the “Last seen 0 minutes ago” message. It would be nice to use the network to get more information about the station (maybe only for the station owner) or even to reboot the station remotely.

Another idea I was testing is to add some sensors to the station and have access to that data. For example I hooked up some temperature and barometric pressure sensors to the Pi and then uploaded the data when decoding meteorological images.

You can see for example this observation: 2452147.
Although meteor M2 was not working at the moment, the station uploaded the meteorological conditions at the time of the observation.

This is just a test, I know this may not be aligned with SatNogs philosophy but want to hear some thoughts.


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It would be nice to be able to upload processing metadata (e.g. post-processing script outputs) as it’s tricky to keep track during development. Once working though it’s less useful.

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Also is not always easy to have SSH access to a remote station, maybe the API could include some monitor/control features for the station owner.