Hi, I am wondering if anyone else here is running strf with Adalm Pluto.
My problem is that with the settings as advised over here GitHub - cbassa/strf: Radio Frequency Satellite Tracking ( where -t is not set and reported to be 1 when the strf starts, I get way to much data in 60 bin files. If I call them with -s 0 and -s 3600 I get about 4 hours of signals in one screen which does not tab nicely and needs a lot of zoom to identify signals.
In nice coöperation with PE0SAT I have set -t now at 0.25 giving me 1 hour of signal in 60 bin files which gives very much more pleasure tabbing and backspacint through one window of data compared to 4 hours in the same window.
Can anyone explain why, with PE0SAT running HackRF and -t 1 gets one hour in 60 bin files, and me with Adalm Pluto and -t 1 gets 4 hours in 60 bin files. Both running strf with 18MSPS.
Value $1 is the case used, $2 is the center frequency, $3 is the duration of the observation, $4 is the location where the bin files are stored, $5 is the rffft channel size and $6 is the rffft integration time.
The cronjob will run rffft with -c 100 and -t 1 and that gives me an hours overview when I use -l 3600 with rfplot.
Can you get the Adalm Pluto to dump the voltages to a file? That way we can check what the bit depth, sampling and packing is before feeding it into STRF.
As far as I understand now the -b (buffer size) is not some kind of buffer to prevent data hickups, but it’s the actual capture buffer size. Not sure what that means for my problem however