finally managed to hook up Station to
For further testing i tried to Setup an observer schedule.
For several times i get an Error 500 condition.
Would there like to know of i can submit manually Jobs to my Station for identifying the correctness of my Setup.
So, I see on the station page the last_seen flag working, which means that the client is working and pings the API correctly. Can you give me some more information in which cases do you get a 500 error? Do you have a traceback log from the client?
I’ll check the logs on the network side to see what’s causing this. I tried to add an observation that includes your GS and it was added successfully.
even i selected iss i have had no Transmitter selectable. regardless which satellite i chose i’ve “no Transmitter available”.
maybe a user contrain with the satnogs-db? just an idea for the cause…
I just pushed a fix (and deployed to dev) that fixes the problem on Chrome. I don’t have a machine with Explorer at the moment to test it, but probably it’ll work there too.
The problem was with jquery’s :visible element that is not interpreted in the same way across browsers.
chrome is working well und displaying only the assigned transponder.
ie is now showing the transponders, but always the full list regardless the satellite i selected.
but thanks so far, am happy with the features i discoverd