Station build starting

So yesterday I ordered a PI 3b, power supply and SD card, the PI and power supply arrived today and the SD card will be arriving tomorrow and then I will start programming it, in theory.

The build looks fairly straight forward but I’ve not worked on a raspberry PI before and I’ve not used Linux/ubuntu/fedora since around 2005 so it will be interesting to see how easy this goes as I cant remember what I learnt then.

Hopefully by the weekend we shall be in test mode.


You’re not alone, we’ve all been there, we’re here to help (:
Do expect bumps on the road, we’ve had a few issues on this lately but all of them have been manageable.


so I’m not getting very far with this, I’ve used the PI imager to load the SatNOGS image onto the sd card which is now in the PI

While setting up the imager I setup my password, username, wifi connection enabled SSH.

I’ve used cmd to find the ip

but now when trying to log on its not recognising my password, I’ve ran the imager again just incase I entered the password wrong but get the same results and cant login, any sugestions?

This could be a locale or keyboard setting, in that case it could be that keys on the keyboard are in another place when you created the image and when you booted the image.

What language, locales and keyboard are you using.

its set to English UK

did you set the username to pi ? otherwise you should change the ssh line to select the correct user.
and yes, I suggest you use putty instead of ssh in a command prompt.

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Compare the UK and US keyboard to see if keys you used to create your password are different.

Maybe during the image creation, you can also set the language, locales and keyboard.

And as an alternative start with a easy password where you don’t run into this.

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I Just realised I changed the the user name to something different to pi so put the correct user name in and I’m in

Thanks to both of you

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just complete RF gain setup and the station is now in test. with a few passes to see how well it works.

looks fine #10094186
If you don’t have a LNA at the antenna, gain of 20 is a usually bit low.

I set it at 20 initially as that’s where the noise floor was starting to move when testing through CubicSDR but I’ve just increased it.


I’ve noticed today that the station is not receiving the same signal that I had when using SDR console.

when running SoapySDRUtil --probe
the information it brings up does not match what is in the instructions and its showing it as an audio device and not a tuner. Is this correct of do I need to change something? my SDR is a NooElec NESDR smart so wondering if I need to install the drivers for this?

SoapySDRUtil --probe="driver=rtlsdr" that should work

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That worked


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The thing to keep in mind, gain settings/values aren’t the same.
All SDR programs use there own …

This are the gain values that can be used when using a RTL in combination with SoapyRTL

Supported gain values (29): 
0.0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6
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Thanks, I was thinking it would be the range of the tuner itself.

NOAA satellites being received well

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