So, I’ve been stockpiling parts since 2015. I plan on building a V2 rotor first since I already have a box. My designs will be slightly modified to experiment with operating the ham radio satellites when the station is not being used for an observation.
After I finish that, I plan on ordering the extrusions to build a v3 and set it up permanently as a dedicated ground station, hopefully at my university. I plan on documenting both of these builds with a set of youtube videos as I build it to help other newcomers.
As it stands, I have about everything either here or in transit. But I wanted to take a few moments to ask some questions before I mess any of my new goodies up.
What voltage is expected on VIN of the PSU board. I believe its 24VDC but I just want to confirm
Does anyone know the Max current draw as well as the average current draw when tracking? If I’m right about the 24 volts, i have access to fairly cheap 24V 2/4AH cells that I could use when I’m using the rotor for ham purposes / mobile demonstrations.
I’ve never experimented with PoE, does anyone have suggestions on what equipment to buy to power the beast?
Finally, are there tested prints for American PVC pipe? I don’t really want to order pipe offline when I work at a home improvement store.
I’ll also be on IRC (nathanst) if anyone wants to field questions there.
Thank you for any feedback.