SpaceX F9 Transporter-8 - 2023-06-12 21:35 UTC - URESAT-1 (ant deployed)

Does anyone know anything about 56994 - 2023-084BW? It seems to be nonexistent in the recent celestrak listings. Can someone assign 56231 (BQ) to ROM-2 instead? It is pretty close to MRC-100 and pretty close to URESAT-1, so maybe it is ROM-2(?)

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Temporary NORAD ID Satellite NORAD ID to follow Other NORAD IDs Identified Deployed Last Update
URESAT-1 56992 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
ION SCV-011 56957 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
MRC-100 56993 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
SpeiSat 56991 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
99187 ROM-2 56231 56226-56229,56230,56989-56991 NO YES Randomly change to follow 56231, other possible 56226-56229,56230, 56989-56991
99115 FOSSASAT-FEROX 14 - PlatziSat-1 - all NO YES Received according to tinygs
99114 FOSSASAT-FEROX 15 - all NO YES Received according to tinygs
99112 FOSSASAT-FEROX 17 - all NO YES Received according to tinygs
99097 MDQSAT-1C - all NO YES Received according to tinygs
99096 MDQSAT-1D - all NO YES Received according to tinygs
GHOST-3 56958 - YES Identified via
Otter Pup 56933 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
AII-DELTA (Transporter 8 Satellite E) 56987 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
AFR-1 (Transporter 8 Satellite D) 56964 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
Tomorrow-R2 (Transporter 8 Satellite B) 56962 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
GEISAT PRECURSOR (Transporter 8 Satellite A) 56934 - YES YES Identified, here are the ikhnos results
99078 Transporter 8 Satellite F 56936 56935 NO YES Received again, changed to follow 56936, removed other possible 56932-56934, 56937, 56939-56944, other possible 56935
OUTPOST MISSION 1 56226 - YES YES Identified via
QPS-SAR-6 56951 - YES YES Identified via
AFRL-XVI 56942 - YES YES Identified via
Droid.001 56965 - YES YES Identified via
EIVE 56937 - YES YES Identified via
PHOTON-04(Winnebago-1) 56959 - YES YES Identified via
GREGOIRE 56946 - YES YES Identified via
MuSat-1 56967 - YES YES Identified via
Blackjack Aces-1 56956 - YES YES Identified via
Blackjack Aces-2 56955 - YES YES Identified via
Blackjack Aces-3 56950 - YES YES Identified via
Blackjack Aces-4 56952 - YES YES Identified via
99095 Pleiades-Squared - - NO YES
99192 Istanbul 56228 56226,56227,56229-56231,56989-56991 NO YES Randomly change to follow 56228, other possible 56226,56227,56229-56231,56989-56991
99099 SATLLA-2I 56227 56226,56228-56231,56989-56991 NO YES Randomly change to follow 56227, other possible 56226,56228-56231,56989-56991
99105 Orbiter SN3 - - NO YES

Dear All,
We are still not getting signal from ISTANBUL;s main beacon on 400 MHz, most probably we might have an issue with antenna deployment or the RTX module on OBC (OBS itself is alive).
As an emergency mode, after not being commanded from ground station, the satellite get into emergency beacon mode and transmitting TINY Beacon messages using its all transmitters, where the satellite has a 868 MHz LORAWAN beacon transmitter.
According to LORAWAN network we are getting signals from the satellite for the last 2 months on 868 MHz LORAWAN, but still no sign on 400 MHz.
We did an analysis on LORAWAN receptions from different LORAWAN gateways and we pretty sure ISTANBUL is Object BP.
I am attaching the analysis of last week to show how we came to conclusion that ISTANBUL is Object B.

I will be happy to hear your comments on this analysis, and also I would like to know what should be the next step to IDENTIFY and CLASIFY ISTANBUL satellite as Object BP on database/catalog.

Baris DINC
ISTANBUL_HeliumNW_TLE analysis.pdf (635.5 KB)

Hello Baris,

Could you share some additional details, such as the frequency? Is it on 868.1 or 867.5? As well as Spreading Factor, Coding Rate, and Bandwidth?

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Sorry for late answer,

frequency is 867.9 and SF9

Looks like we have had some success with reception, thanks to K4KDR for the help!

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56954 might have been identified.

which only had one match , shift D’d to the best center of the signal, leads to :

Let’s check if another one matches too.

According to is HOTSAT-1. Which by the way seems to have some issues.

That’s sad … Arrange a pickup with a space shuttle…

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56954 Confirmed on next day pass and added to DB

56966 AAC-AIS-SAT2 2241 MHz

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Matched the next day. Added to DB

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56990 Elo-4 appeared on 400.100 MHz

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Interesting post showed up today (14-Aug-2024 UTC):


Wondering if any of the missions was to separate in two parts, it needs some checking. :slight_smile:

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It’s not matching any of my unid’d 2265 MHz obs :wink:

Might have an ID on 56988 AYRIS-1


Good evening @ea4gqs

I am going over my STRF observations (27-01-2027 01:40:00) and found an unknown signal that was received earlier.
When looking at the Doppler curve it was matching URESAT-1.

Until recent it wasn’t possible to receive signals from this satellite with a modest setup.
So the question is, has something changed,

The satellite was passing at Azimuth 283 and an Elevation of max 38 degrees so not optimal.

I will add some SatNOGS observation to see if we now can indeed receive URESAT-1.

Jan - PE0SAT


when replaying the following obs SatNOGS Network - Observation 10996700, I get the following decode:

*                                            *
*    GENESIS-U (URESAT) Telemetry Decoder    *
*        AMSAT-EA - Free distribution        *
*                                            *

*     v1.2 Last compilation : Jul  4 2023    *
*                                            *
**  DM  2022-1116-fft-c++-eficiente__registra-f/p-portadora

**  DM  FSK_SHIFT: 21 bins
**  DM  FSK_ERR  :  4 bins

20250128-21:27:18 : Running...
20250128-21:27:18 : Waiting for data from the modem...
20250128-21:27:31 : Sync detected
20250128-21:27:31 : packet type 3 (status)
20250128-21:27:31 : Raw data         : 37 EF 8F A2 CF E5 D1 6B 18 5B D9 E1 CC 1A 29 AA 00 C3 59 ED B3 D7 E7 64 34 C8 
20250128-21:27:31 : Checking telemetry packet
20250128-21:27:35 : Packet checksum 34C8 - calculated checksum 34C8
20250128-21:27:35 : Checksum matches. Valid packet
20250128-21:27:35 : Unscrambled data : 37 6F 89 02 03 9F D7 01 00 FF 19 05 10 00 01 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 34 C8 

*** Status packet received on local time 20250128-21:27:35 ***
sclock              :   50497903 seconds (satellite has been active for 584 days and 11:11:43 hh:mm:ss)
uptime              :      55199 minutes since the last CPU reset (38 days and 07 hours 59 mins)
nrun                :          1 times satellite CPU was started
npayload            :        255 times payload was activated
nwire               :         25 times antenna deployment was tried
ntrans              :          No info as antenna deployment attemps are still ongoing
nbusdrops           :          0
last_reset_cause    :          5 Power-on reset (POR) / Power-down reset (PDR)
bate (battery)      :          1 Charged (Between 3.550V and 4.2V)
mote (transponder)  :          0 Disabled
nTasksNotExecuted   :          OK
nExtEepromErrors    :          OK
antennaDeployed     :          OK (Antenna has been deployed)
last_failed_task_id : 
messaging enabled   :          No
strfwd0 (id)        :         FF (255)
strfwd1 (key)       :       FFFF (65535)
strfwd2 (value)     :       FFFF (65535)
strfwd3 (num_tcmds) :          0 (0)

There I see antennaDeployed : OK (Antenna has been deployed)


Hi Jan,

This is really awesome. It seems the antenna has finally deployed.

We are going to send commands this night to try to activate the transponder and the amplifier.

We keep you all posted.

Thanks a lot for this information.

Félix EA4GQS