Heard the signals but unabe to decode during the 08:41 UTC pass.
Nitin, VU2JEK
Heard the signals but unabe to decode during the 08:41 UTC pass.
Nitin, VU2JEK
Amazing catch Jan PE0SAT!! Thanks!! In the log from FN41iq 29Jan25 0634Z. Congratulations URESAT-1 team!
Hi Jan and Felix, we tracked the sat, the signal is nice, some 2 to 3 kHz lower than .888, IQ recording is available, hope to see the Ales SSTV signal tomorrow.
URESAT-1 received January 29th at 14:35 UTC
Temperature Panel A value +87 degC, quite hot.
37 A3 F7 05 03 42 E6 01 00 FF 19 05 10 00 01 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00
20250129-17:18:54 : packet type 3 (status)
sclock : 50722723 seconds (satellite has been active for 587 days and 01:38:43 hh:mm:ss)
uptime : 58946 minutes since the last CPU reset (40 days and 22 hours 26 mins)
nrun : 1 times satellite CPU was started
npayload : 255 times payload was activated
nwire : 25 times antenna deployment was tried
ntrans : No info as antenna deployment attemps are still ongoing
nbusdrops : 0
last_reset_cause : 5 Power-on reset (POR) / Power-down reset (PDR)
bate (battery) : 1 Charged (Between 3.550V and 4.2V)
mote (transponder) : 0 Disabled
nTasksNotExecuted : OK
nExtEepromErrors : OK
antennaDeployed : OK (Antenna has been deployed)
last_failed_task_id :
messaging enabled : No
strfwd0 (id) : FF (255)
strfwd1 (key) : FFFF (65535)
strfwd2 (value) : FFFF (65535)
strfwd3 (num_tcmds) : 0 (0)
27 FE 40 3B 3B FF 36 32 38 36 36
20250129-17:21:33 : packet type 2 (tmp)
tpa : +87.0 degC temperature in SPA.I2C
tpb : -8.0 degC temperature in SPB.I2C
tpc : -10.5 degC temperature in SPC.I2C
tpd : -10.5 degC temperature in SPD.I2C
teps : -13.0 degC temperature in EPS.I2C
ttx : -15.0 degC temperature in TX.I2C
ttx2 : -12.0 degC temperature in TX.NTC
trx : -13.0 degC temperature in RX.NTC
tcpu : -13.0 degC temperature in CPU.ADC
87 64 0E CC 0B DA 01 DA 01 E3 18 90 02 18 F4 DE 22 92 8D AB C4 00 00 07 CC 04
20250130-00:50:51 : packet type 8 (antenna)
estado pulsador inicio:fin:ahora : 7:204:4
tension bateria en circuito abierto Voc/mV : 3684
caida de tension deltaV/mV : 3020
corriente quemado Ibr/mA : 474
corriente quemado Ibr,pk/mA : 474
resistencia interna bateria Rbat/mohm : 6371
tiempo quemado observado t/s : 0
37 7B 88 06 03 AC E8 01 00 FF 19 05 10 00 01 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00
20250130-00:51:22 : packet type 3 (status)
sclock : 50759803 seconds (satellite has been active for 587 days and 11:56:43 hh:mm:s)
uptime : 59564 minutes since the last CPU reset (41 days and 08 hours 44 mins)
nrun : 1 times satellite CPU was started
npayload : 255 times payload was activated
nwire : 25 times antenna deployment was tried
ntrans : No info as antenna deployment attemps are still ongoing
nbusdrops : 0
last_reset_cause : 5 Power-on reset (POR) / Power-down reset (PDR)
bate (battery) : 1 Charged (Between 3.550V and 4.2V)
mote (transponder) : 0 Disabled
nTasksNotExecuted : OK
nExtEepromErrors : OK
antennaDeployed : OK (Antenna has been deployed)
last_failed_task_id :
messaging enabled : No
strfwd0 (id) : FF (255)
strfwd1 (key) : FFFF (65535)
strfwd2 (value) : FFFF (65535)
strfwd3 (num_tcmds) : 0 (0)
UreSat’s temperature panel A (SPA.I2C
) is not connected, the +87 deg is a dummy value. Indeed, a 100 degree temperature difference between the various panels would be very unhealthy for the satellite
I was wondering if this value really can be true… Thanks for your feedback.
The sensor on panel A is not working, that’s why it is showing a value of +87C
tpa : +87.0 degC temperature in SPA.I2C
Kind regards,
Félix EA4GQS
I tried to record the SSTV signal, but it did not appeared during the pass here. I have looked into the observations, and I see the SSTV signal in obs. #11004849, #11005207, #11005208, #11005209
so activation was probably successful. I tried to decode from these obs. audios, but it is too weak and the set mode is CW 50 so it is probably not FM demodulated as it should be. The observations suffer from two things, TLEs are old and the freq of the transmitter should be set to something like 436.886. Hope to have better luck in next passes as the sat is decaying quickly.
Best regards Tomas OK2PNQ
2025-02-01 01:10:55 UTC
vvv tnx ec1dir de ao4ure
2025-02-01 01:14:02 UTC 57FB151513FFFF0D141611FEA79A9AFF6F7B7F7C7BFE525052FF4F4F444847
Your choice of modes from URESAT-1 over the Eastern U.S. tonight 0712utc (1-Feb-2025).
FSK-50 and what looked to be a wider FSK burst a little too weak to decode, but I did get a fair SSTV image on I/Q replay w/ FM demod.
Hi Felix @ea4gqs and everyone,
Saw this during a Uresat-1 pass. 0837Z 1Feb25 over EM12jw
What mode is this please?
Could be SSTV with fading. Was it 36 seconds long?
Good thought, but no.
He’s referring to this portion of the signal (from my capture the other night):
… Bob’s capture just has a lot more SNR than mine did. (as usual!!)
For the first time I heard an SSTV transmission from URESAT-1 at 2025-02-02 05:36UTC over Brazil.
Lots of rain here on my QTH (It’s hard to aim the antenna with so much rain
Apparently the satellite is actually rotating a bit (I heard abrupt signal drops with my linear polarization antenna)
I’m guessing GFSK at maybe 9k6
I’ve checked my recordings from this night (1st to 2nd February) and I got the same pattern at 2025-02-02 01:20:00 UTC.
“alpha one yankee oscar - alpha … - echo alpha one - … strong alpha - romeo echo”
(a1yo - a … - ea1 - … strong a - re)
So it seems to me that the FM transponder has been switched on.
However, the last type 3 beacon in database to confirm the transponder mode is from 2025-01-30 and at that time it was still switched off.
I did not listen to the file you attached, but it probably came from the URESAT-1 voice beacon
See HERE a SatNOGS observation from PI9CAM that the voice beacon was received
See HERE a post from PI9CAM on Twitter announcing its reception (Nitter HERE)
You are right, Igor!
This is indeed a pre-recorded voice beacon.
I was wondering about the exact time when the transmission started.
The post from PI9CAM, which is also 16 seconds long, says:
ea1yo this is from ao4ure - ea1yo this is from ao4ure
So my heard “strong” is a “from”.
Questions answered (:
And if there is a voice beacon, the transponder has to be switched on to mode 1 (retransmission).