From @PE0SAT
This could be Vigoride-6 or Tomorrow-R1, not sure without decoding.
This is also confirmed in Network in Vigoride-6 observations.
RoseyCubesat-1 is also received it looks like it transmits with BPSK 1k2. I’ve updated the future observations accordingly.
Expected transmission after deployment for Connecta T2.1 is expected ~7min after the deployment according to the team, so 99.99% the signal visible in SatNOGS Network - Observation 7417468 is the first signal of the satellite.
Hello everyone,
Happy to share the information that Rosey Cubesat launched flawlessly today, thanks to SpaceX and ExoLaunch
Also happy to see that some many people already scheduled passes. But the default baud rate is 1200 bpa. 9600 is juat for downloading pictures. Later on we may change to 9600 bps default if we find it works fine.
Thanks for the info!
Confirming also KILICSAT reception with Network observations.
We have a signal that may be BRO-9, but we need more observations to confirm.
INSPIRESAT-7 seems to be also alive:
However in most observations in Network there is to noise and difficult to say if there is signal or not.
Awesome Fredy, seems loads of observations thanks to you but still no decoding. If it helps, it’s 1200bps BPSK G3RUH AX.25
Decode ROSEYCUBESAT-1 by replaying an observation using the following gr_satellites yml file:
norad: 99201
&tlm Telemetry:
telemetry: ax25
1k2 BPSK downlink:
frequency: 436.825e+6
modulation: BPSK
baudrate: 1200
framing: AX.25 G3RUH
- *tlm
9k6 BPSK downlink:
frequency: 436.825e+6
modulation: BPSK
baudrate: 9600
framing: AX.25 G3RUH
- *tlm
gr_satellites ROSEYCUBESAT-1.yml --wavfile 7418063.ogg --samp_rate 48e3 --f_offset 12e3
-> Packet from 1k2 BPSK downlink
header = Container:
addresses = ListContainer:
callsign = u'ROSEY1' (total 6)
ssid = Container:
ch = True
ssid = 0
extension = False
callsign = u'ROSEY1' (total 6)
ssid = Container:
ch = False
ssid = 1
extension = True
control = 0x03
pid = 0xF0
info = b'1\x01\xff\xffUne Ecole pour la Vie\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00e[m8\x1d\x1f!\x00\xc8\x00\x03\xc9\x00\x00\x00' (total 49)
Congratulation to the team.
What sound modem did you use ?
hs-soundmodem, FSK G3RUH
CIRBE received and decoded with the following gr_satellites yml file:
name: CIRBE
norad: 99401
&tlm Telemetry:
telemetry: ax25
9k6 FSK downlink:
frequency: 437.250e+6
modulation: FSK
baudrate: 9600
framing: AX.25 G3RUH
- *tlm
gr_satellites CIRBE.yml --wavfile 7417638.ogg --samp_rate 48e3
-> Packet from 9k6 FSK downlink
header = Container:
addresses = ListContainer:
callsign = u'BCT' (total 3)
ssid = Container:
ch = False
ssid = 0
extension = False
callsign = u'CIRBE' (total 5)
ssid = Container:
ch = True
ssid = 0
extension = True
control = 0x03
pid = 0xF0
info = b"\x08P\xc4E\x00\xd2+\xcdn\xa6\x00i\x05\x00\x00\xd4\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x004\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x97\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01A\xc5\xe6\xb7R\xffz\xd5\x01\x1f\x0fdi\x02\xfe\x8b\xe0\xd3\rz\x01v\xc4\x047\xc6\xf6\x11\x81\x11CL\xc8\x9d\xb8\xf9\xbd\x9f\xf6\xbc\x0c\x9b\x1b\x90\x02^\x01\x00\xc2\x19~\xf9c\xc1\xb65\xebU\x04\xf3\x00\xcc,\xd8\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\xfdp\xfd\xb8\xffQ\x03\x00\x00\x0f\x00\xea}!\x01\xbd\x05\x00\x01\x07\x04\x02\x03\x03\x03G\x17\xe3\xd0\xe4\xf6\x00h\x00\x00\x00\x17\x15-$(\xfb\xcf\x01\xd7'\xfd\x7f\xfe\xa1\xfec\x00\x01\x17\x00\x01\xc0\x93\t\t\t\n\t\x17\xfc\x00\x00\x13\xd8\x00\x07\n\xc4\x00\n\x00\x00\xc8\x7f)\x01\x00A\x00\x19\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01" (total 217)
Congratulation to the team.
According to Tomorrow-R1 would have 38k4 rate, so this should be the wide signal found at 400.500MHz on Vigoride’s and Tomorrow-R1’s observations.
On these observations there is also another signal, around 400.515, that probably is Vigoride-6, for example check this observation SatNOGS Network - Observation 7417373 at ~220s and ~280s.
Appreciated Thank you also for your reception and sharing data, by the way, here is the format of the beacon after 0xFF 0xFF
2 bytes - message type (always 0xFFFF)
30 bytes - message from the students - string (30 chars)
4 bytes - timestamp - onboard datetime in database/Linux epoch in csv
2 bytes - battery voltage – integer in mVolt
2 bytes - battery current – integer in mAmpere
2 bytes -temperature – integer in degre C x10
1 byte - current spacecraft mode – integer (0 = ground, 1=SAFE, 2=LEOP, 3=NOMINAL)
2 bytes - eps boot counter – integer
2 bytes - number of unauthorized commands - integer
all little endian
The structure is anyway in the satnogs DB but anyway:
timestamp: (doesn’t matter it’s wrong because it wasnt set yet)
battery voltage: 7.95 V
battery current: 51 mA
temperature: 20
Mode = 3 (normal)
Power System boot counter: 201
Number of rejected commands: 0