SpaceX F9 Transporter-7 - 2023-04-15 06:47 UTC

I’ve scheduled observations for the next 48h as we now have the updated celestrak TLE (see a couple of posts above). In total we are going to perform 1351 observations. In more detail:

ION SCV-010: 102
BRO-9: 84
CIRBE: 197
Sateliot-0: 49
Vigoride-6: 92
RoseyCubesat-1: 199
Pleiades - Sapling Giganteum: 74
Tomorrow-R1: 44
Connecta T2.1: 84
Pleiades Yearling: 69
TAIFA-1: 48
SSS-2B: 34

As people have asked me in the past how I schedule such deployments, here are some details:

  1. Scheduling is done manually by using a javascript script in the observations/new page that randomly chooses some of the calculated observations by keeping a ratio.
  2. I try to schedule observations as fair as possible having in mind the SSA analysis we perform and the rest of the points below.
  3. Scheduling depends on the stations capabilities, so for 400-403 band there are less stations so I start with them in order to get the best for that band satellites. If you are a station owner with a UHF antenna at 435-438 MHz consider adding 400-403 MHz into your antenna range as usually such antennas perform fair enough on this range.
  4. On the radio amateur bands I schedule non-IARU coordinated satellites to a maximum of 40 observations per 48h and only for SSA purposes and until they are identified. I use (it is done automatically by the software) only the stations that have in their settings set that they want to help on the SSA by allowing scheduling of such satellites
  5. On the rest of the radio amateur I share the observations as equally as possible with a little bias on the satellites that their team is active in the SatNOGS community by providing info, helping on development and having integrated their satellite in SatNOGS (DB entries, decoders, dashboards etc).
  6. On all the categories above, in order to be more fair on sharing, I’m splitting the calculated passes usually to 2 (sometimes 3) groups. One is for passes over 30 degrees and the other is for passes under 30 degrees.
  7. Depending on the number of the satellites/stations/observations I may omit to schedule passes under 10 or more degrees.
  8. Finally during LEOP I may schedule more high passes on satellites that are not received or stopped transmitting in order to increase the chance to receive them.