SpaceX F9 Transporter-5 - 2022-05-25 18:35UTC

Looks to be a few on this one based on Gunthers Space Page: Orbital Launches of 2022

‘SelfieSat’ is on it ( Orbit NTNU ) their page says 437.5 MHz, but I can’t see it in the IARU coordination list…

SelfieSat has requested coordination, but is still under review/feedback. Coordination was requested really at last moment.

Foresail-1 has been added in DB with temporary NORAD ID 99399.
Planetum1 has been added in DB with temporary NORAD ID 99398.

If you are interested on any other satellites please either open an issue in operations repository as described in Satellite Operator Guide - SatNOGS Wiki or suggest the satellite directly in DB by being logged in and going to All Satellites page and hit the edit button at the top right corner.


any progress on Connecta T1 ? If any information is needed I will be happy to provide.

P.S. : now I am submitting the connecta T1 to DB…

73’s de TA7W/OH2UDS

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pre-launch TLE sets. They will be added in DB tomorrow a couple of hours before the launch.


Connecta T1.1 has been added in DB with temporary NORAD ID 99397.


Hi guys, TLE for Planetum-1

1 99398U 22999A   22145.81112100  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0 00000
2 99398  97.3620 258.5631 0005768  37.7809 329.2548 15.09638145100003
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Satellite are ready for scheduling in Network. I’ve scheduled a couple of observations for the first 3 hours, feel free to schedule more but have in mind that after deployment the TLE may change, so don’t schedule too far in the future.

For now, TLE sets used based on Celestrak supplemental list:

1 99399C 22057T   22145.81271655  .00094955  00000-0  53927-2 0    07
2 99399  97.4996 258.8499 0012316 246.7014 128.9715 15.12909092    19
1 99398C 22057L   22145.81111817  .00097858  00000-0  57724-2 0    03
2 99398  97.4900 258.8463 0008635 273.6336  93.3612 15.11577088    15
Connecta T1.1
1 99397C 22057Q   22145.81169109  .00096055  00000-0  56658-2 0    02
2 99397  97.4975 258.8480 0009722 274.3133  95.7842 15.11570329    18

@somecheese the TLE set you provided is very close to the one provided by celestrak and added in DB, let me know if you want me to change it.

It’s OK with celestrak TLE I see they are almost the same.

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SPiN-1 is also added in DB with temporary NORAD ID 99396 and TLE, based on Celestrak supplemental list:

1 99396C 22057L   22145.81111817  .00097858  00000-0  57724-2 0    01
2 99396  97.4900 258.8463 0008635 273.6336  93.3612 15.11577088    13

The launch time changed… TLE sets will need to be propagated.

Scheduled observations will be removed, TLE will be updated (I’ll inform here with a new post) and scheduling will be re-done.

Celestrak T5 TLE sources where used.

launchtle -c FORESAIL-1.tle -i 99399 -t 2022-05-25T18:27:00 -T 2022-05-25T18:35:00 -I 99399 -d 22057T

1 99399U 22057T   22145.81827211  .00000000  00000-0  53927-2 0    00
2 99399  97.4996 260.8554 0012316 246.7014 128.9715 15.12909092    03

launchtle -c PLANETUM-1.tle -i 99398 -t 2022-05-25T18:27:00 -T 2022-05-25T18:35:00 -I 99398 -d 22057L

1 99398U 22057L   22145.81667373  .00000000  00000-0  57724-2 0    09
2 99398  97.4900 260.8518 0008635 273.6336  93.3612 15.11577088    08
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New TLE sets have been added in DB:

1 99399U 14900A   22145.81827211  .00000000  00000-0  53927-2 0    08
2 99399  97.4996 260.8554 0012316 246.7014 128.9715 15.12909092    03
1 99398U 14900A   22145.81667373  .00000000  00000-0  57724-2 0    07
2 99398  97.4900 260.8518 0008635 273.6336  93.3612 15.11577088    08
Connecta T1.1
1 99397U 14900A   22145.81724665  .00000000  00000-0  56658-2 0    09
2 99397  97.4975 260.8535 0009722 274.3133  95.7842 15.11570329    01
1 99396U 14900A   22145.81667373  .00000000  00000-0  57724-2 0    05
2 99396  97.4900 260.8518 0008635 273.6336  93.3612 15.11577088    06

and observations for the first 6h have been scheduled.


Connecta T1.1’s first beacon will be 30 minutes after leaving the POD


Any comments on this ?

the satellite should start beaconing after 30 minutes (from seperation)… But the water wall looks like to have som e signal …

And the doppler looks meaningful . Any comments ?

73’s de TA7W/OH2UDS

To early to say, there are some signal candidates, but I would expect better Doppler correction with these preliminary TLE

1 99398U 22057L   22145.81670000  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    03
2 99398  97.3814 258.5528 0005537  85.9594 281.0864 15.09838065700008

Shot at TLE update from post-launch data for Planetum1

PLANETUM-1 looks active in CW mode SatNOGS Network - Observation 5989367


Confirming that CW is Planetum-1:

Expected CW:

de ok0pla = u5433r126t29p30 ar

CW part from the observation:

pla = u42r1t16p17 ar