59100 Object C
matches 24 hours later
Updated PY4 TLEs below for those that are interested. Generated from on-board GPS.
As it stands, the TLEs in SatNOGS DB are all correct except for PY4-3, which should be updated to Object AZ (which is currently identified as MH-1). Time will tell whether or not Object AZ is a PY4 bird or MH-1, but for now our GPS solutions are a strongest match for that object.
To summarize the current PY4 object guesses:
PY4-1 = Object AS
PY4-2 = Object AT
PY4-3 = Object AZ
PY4-4 = Object AY
The custom TLEs for those that are interested:
1 98954U 24043D 24083.91192100 .00000000 00000+0 23559-2 0 06
2 98954 97.4544 208.9952 0010582 223.1777 276.0144 15.18161515 08
1 98955U 24043D 24083.30174800 .00000000 00000+0 23681-2 0 03
2 98955 97.4558 208.3928 0010825 225.9343 180.0139 15.18105982 04
1 98956U 24043K 24084.28452500 .00000000 00000+0 24374-2 0 08
2 98956 97.4642 209.3897 0011315 209.3343 187.3977 15.18550631 01
1 98957U 24043K 24084.28557900 .00000000 00000+0 25062-2 0 04
2 98957 97.4655 209.3919 0011263 211.2419 191.6758 15.18557028 01
SONATE-2 will switch on its SSTV transmitter again over Easter. You can find the planned transmission schedule here.
PY4-3 is listed under NORAD 59145, however this ID is assigned a sat MH-1 in space-track.org. In fact the correct ID seems to be 59143 (OBJECT-AX). Pls check.
This was done on purpose following this suggestion.
@maholli any opinion for 59143 (OBJECT-AX)? Does it match GPS data from PY4-3?
It’s always possible we could be wrong, but as of our last analysis on March 25, OBJECT-AX was no where close to being a PY4 candidate, whereas OBJECT AZ (MH-1) had a consistent sub 10-meter fit.
I’ll have time to do another comparison early next week and report back with our findings.
space-track.org identifications
NORAD ID (space-track link) | Satellite (SatNOGS DB link) | Possible satellite (if not identified) | Frequency (if identified) |
59098 | HORACIO | ||
59099 | MUSAT2 | 8205.000 MHz, 8385.000 MHz, 8390.000 MHz | |
59100 | ICEYE-X38 | ~2276.000 MHz 401.250 MHz | |
59101 | METHANESAT | 2234.500 MHz, 8175.000 MHz | |
59102 | ICEYE-X37 | 2236.511 MHz 401.250 MHz | |
59103 | ICEYE-X36 | ~2276.000 MHz 401.250 MHz | |
59104 | PE2_FLT2 (TYVAK-0262) | 401.340 MHz, 2492.000 MHz, 8320.000 MHz | |
59105 | PE2_FLT1 (TYVAK-0261) | 400.840 MHz, 2492.000 MHz, 8320.000 MHz | |
59106 | RROCI-2 | 8125.000 MHz, 2217.000 MHz, 2085.500 MHz? | |
59107 | BRO-13 | 401.735 MHz, 2260.500 MHz | |
59108 | BRO-12 | 401.735 MHz, 2260.500 MHz | |
59109 | OBJECT M | ||
59110 | OBJECT N | ONDOSAT-OWL-1 | |
59111 | OBJECT P | IRIS-F1 (This post and this post may confirm this is IRIS-F1) | 400.915 MHz |
59112 | SONATE-2 | 145.840 MHz, 437.025 MHz, 2268.000 MHz | |
59113 | OBJECT R | ONDOSAT-OWL-2 | |
59114 | OBJECT S | ||
59115 | LEMUR 2 CHARLIE-ROSE | 400.520 MHz? | |
59116 | LEMUR 2 FELDHUS | 400.520 MHz | |
59117 | CONTECSAT-1 | 401.050 MHz, 2220.000 MHz, 8110.000 MHz | |
59118 | CBAS-LACE 1 | ||
59119 | OBJECT X | ||
59120 | TIGER-8 | ||
59121 | LYNK TOWER 5 | ||
59122 | NUSAT-44 MARIA MITCHELL | 8030.000 MHz 8075.000 MHz 400.875 MHz | |
59123 | LYNK TOWER 6 | ||
59124 | VSP ROSE | ||
59125 | OBJECT AD | 401.500 MHz | |
59126 | YAM-6 | 400.875 MHz, 2277.300 MHz, 8125.000 MHz | |
59127 | OBJECT AF | ||
59128 | OBJECT AG | ||
59129 | APEX ARIES 1 | 401.075 MHz | |
59130 | GHOST-5 | 400.503 MHz | |
59131 | MESON-1 | ||
59132 | LIZZIESAT | 400.520 MHz, 2201.250 MHz, 2262.500 MHz, 2283.250 MHz, 8045.250 MHz, 8378.250 MHz | |
59133 | GHOST-4 | 400.500 MHz | |
59134 | OBJECT AN | ||
59135 | VSP RF A1 | ||
59136 | VSP RF C1 | ||
59137 | VSP RF B1 | ||
59138 | OBJECT AS | PY4-1 | |
59139 | OBJECT AT | PY4-2 | |
59140 | SENTRY | 401.500 MHz | |
59141 | TIGER-7 | ||
59142 | OBJECT AW | ||
59143 | OBJECT AX | PY4-3 | |
59144 | OBJECT AY | PY4-4 | |
59145 | MH-1 | PY4-3 | 2245.000 MHz |
59146 | LEMUR 2 JOHNNYTRUONG | ~400.55 - ~402.788 MHz | |
59147 | LEMUR 2 ROCINANTE | ~400.55 - ~402.788 MHz | |
59148 | HAMMER |
Identified satellites not in DB: 13
Unidentified objects: 15
Unidentified DB entries: 12 (IRIS-F1, ONDOSAT-OWL-1, ONDOSAT-OWL-2, PY4-1, PY4-2, PY4-3, PY4-4, JACKAL X-1L-001, JACKAL X-1L-002, ROSE, OPTIMUS 2, PYXIS)