2024-11-16 13:54 UTC
Key West, Florida
2024-11-16 13:56 UTC
2024-11-16 13:54 UTC
Key West, Florida
2024-11-16 13:56 UTC
A couple from the 135xUTC pass over the UK
16-Nov-24 1354Z
16-Nov-24 1356Z
16.11.2024 13:54UTC
Unfortunately not as clear as the signal i got at night
2024-11-16 17:21UTC
2024-11-16 17:23UTC
73 ik1hgi Tony
I couldn’t receive a signal from digipeater since Monday.
Did they forget to switch the digipeater back on after the SSTV transmissions?
Sstv planned this weekend (29/11 - 1/12). No pass time details yet.
Schedule is up.
2024-11-30_01.50.09 UTC
I’m not sure but I think it might be South Korea
Hi Daniel
I had a 65deg peak pass which helps but still only a got very noisy partial of the 1st image while the satellite as low and obscured by buildings. Didn’t bother to save that one. The fact the trees in the park opposite me have dropped thier leaves also probably helps since the image I posted is cleaner than ones from similar passes a couple of months ago.
2024-11-30_13.11.08 UTC
My next good pass @ 82° will be at 01:26 UTC, I’m going to try and stay awake for this or leave the computer running.