SatNOGS station monitor v0.4.x


I just released version 0.4.0 of the satnogs-monitor.

The most notable change is added compatibility with the waterfall file format introduced by satnogs client in version 1.1. This should fix the crash some of you experienced with enabled waterfall and/or spectrum plot. You can read the changelog for version 0.4.0 here. I’ve also included Debian packages for armhf (raspberry pi) and x64. You can find the updated install instructions in the wiki, although just the links to the packages have changed.

To update an existing installation on your raspberry pi run:

sudo dpkg -i satnogs-monitor_0.4.0_armhf.deb

Please note that version 0.4.0 is not compatible with the waterfall file format before satnogs client version 1.1. I think there is no valid reason for running an outdated satnogs client, so the monitor won’t support older client versions. Of course this applies only if you’re using features using data directly from your station (waterfall, rotator).

Sorry for the delay in releasing this.


I have updated to version 0.4 and am running on a ground station.

The spectrum and waterfall display appear only when a pass is in progress. :slight_smile:

Here is what I am seeing

Bob, KO2F

Looks good to me. You may want to adjust the db-min and db-max settings depending on your typical db range.

Thanks for the guide to install satnogs-monitor 0.4.0 works :slight_smile:

I will need to adjust my waterfall db range too.

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Awesome work wose, update works well, run time error gone.
Great work Mate


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This is awesome! Works great!

In case anyone wants to see satnogs monitor in action before installing it:


Hi all,

Is there a version of satnogs_monitor for Debian Buster running on i386 ?

Hi all,

Any idea why I cannot run satnogs-monitor?

pi@SV5QNFsatNOGS:~ $ satnogs-monitor -l 1533
Error occurred: Failed to deserialize data to struct (in GET or POST): missing field location at line 1 column 596


I seem to be getting the same thing.

pi@KE0RWZ-PI3-1:~/satnogs-monitor $ cargo run --release -- -s 175
warning: use of deprecated item 'std::sync::ONCE_INIT': the `new` function is now preferred             
--> monitor/src/
163 |         .author(crate_authors!("\n"))
|                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default
= note: this warning originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z 
external-macro-backtrace for more info)

warning: use of deprecated item 'std::sync::ONCE_INIT': the `new` function is now preferred
--> monitor/src/
163 |         .author(crate_authors!("\n"))
 |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this warning originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z 
external-macro-backtrace for more info)

Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.62s
 Running `target/release/satnogs-monitor -s 175`
Error occurred: Failed to deserialize data to struct (in GET or POST): missing field `location` at line 1 
column 422
pi@KE0RWZ-PI3-1:~/satnogs-monitor $

*edit - Forgot to mention. This is on both the prepackage arm build for pi and the “hack instructions” for building from scratch. Possibly a package updated that broke something?

Hi @sv5qnf and @ke0rwz,

thx for reporting this. It’s fixed in the master branch and I’m building the packages right now. The new release 0.4.1 should be up in about an hour.

The SatNOGS network API for stations slightly changed. There was an unused (I think) location field, which was dropped now. The API client however expected it and failed with the error you mentioned.

I just uploaded packages for amd64 and armhf here.


That was my bad, while updating the new antenna schema I’ve removed some old code and one of the unused fields was the location one, so as API generated from the model it was disappeared.

I have tried both ways of using via rust and *.deb package. Both appear to be working. I keep missing satellites to see if waterfall works :slight_smile: lol…

hello! This looks really great and looking forward to getting it up and running for some more realtime stats on the station. No matter what I do, I’m getting “Segmentation fault”.
I’ve tried adjusting the size of my terminal, and simply running “satnogs-monitor”. No dice on my Raspberry Pi 3B+.


can you explain how you installed the monitor. I haven’t encountered a segmentation fault on any of my platforms (RPi 3B+, RPi 4, amd64). I would suspect a wrong or missing dependency (libgpredict, openssl, …).

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Hi @wose, I thought I’d deleted my message - I was able to get it working. Problem was indeed a missing dependency. Thank you very much for your work on this! It’s exactly what I envisioned for a monitor.


Hi Wose,
This is a great program and very helpful, even with a couple of the issues I am having. Thank you.
The waterfall is very low res with big pixels and thick lines, how do I correct this?
Also, if I add a -zoom and factor, then the waterfall disappears?
Otherwise this is great.
Using a pi 3B, but it is the same on the 3.
Thank you.


the waterfall will only look good if your terminal emulator has true color support. A pixel will always be the same size, regardless of the zoom settings: it’s 1 char wide and a half char high. It should look similar to the screenshot in the first post. Can you take a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

Tip: Lowering the character size (ctrl - in most terminals) will allow more details to be shown (at the expense of making the text smaller).

Hi wose, thank you for fantastic work!
I’m using satnogs-monitor 0.4.1, it looks great :slight_smile: my arguments are as follows:
satnogs-monitor -l 2138 --spectrum --waterfall --data-path /tmp/.satnogs/data/ --rotctld-address

I’ve got some questions -

  1. If I start the satnogs-monitor during observation, it ignores it and show the next one. Is that correct?

  2. The rotator position updates only on start of satnogs-monitor. I thought maybe it should update at some regular interval?